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System automatically relisting sold items


 For the past few months, eBay system has automatically relisted sold items. I contacted them customer service numerous times to report this issue.  I missed a few and they re-sold. I was able to let buyers know and they all understood. I refunded their money etc. When I reported this to customer service, I asked them if there were any defects applied to my account for this reason would they be removed? They told me yes. They said all I had to do was contact them back. I got a defect this morning for "being out of stock". Now how that got on there I don't know because the reason giving for items to be cancelled was problem with buyer's address per customer service. I contacted eBay  to appeal the defect and in less than 5 minutes I got a message stating basically it would not be removed due to buyer unsatisfactory experience with my store. First, that is not true. No buyer reported a thing. Second, I tried to explain this to them but apparently they didn't even read my message much less bother to investigate the issues. How I know this is because it took them less then 5 minutes to respond plus I got another message explaining to my why negative feedback can not be removed. I don't have any negative feedback. It is like this is just standard operating procedure no matter what. Has anyone else had any issues with the relisting of sold items. If so, how did you get it handled? Is there anything I can do to get this defect removed from my account since it was not any of my fault in the first place? I have been a seller for a long time and never had much trouble till now. Any advice would be appreciated



Message 1 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

First is there some one else that has access to your ebay??


The reps you talk to would have no idea of such a technical issue and that leaves you stranded.

Not much help to you on this one. Sorry.


Message 2 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

System automatically relisting sold items


 No one else has access to the account. It is just me besides when it was reported the rep told me that indeed eBay was aware of the issues and they were working to resolve it. I even got a message from the tech support team stating the fact that they were aware and for me to rest assured they were working on it. 

I will try posting it on the tech board.  I would watch all your items to make sure yours have not been relisted as well. There was no way for me to catch it before any re-sold because I have thousands of listings and oh yeah, some were even in my unsold folder too.


Message 4 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

Thanks for the heads up. Keep trying ebay contact until you find a QUALIFIED rep.  If they exist...

Message 5 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items


This has been going on for a few years, and they know it, but Ebay says there is no problem on their end.

And no, they will not remove the defect for canceling the order as out of stock.






Have a great day.
Message 6 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

@verstraete589 wrote:


 For the past few months, eBay system has automatically relisted sold items. I contacted them customer service numerous times to report this issue.  I missed a few and they re-sold. I was able to let buyers know and they all understood. I refunded their money etc. When I reported this to customer service, I asked them if there were any defects applied to my account for this reason would they be removed? They told me yes. They said all I had to do was contact them back. I got a defect this morning for "being out of stock". Now how that got on there I don't know because the reason giving for items to be cancelled was problem with buyer's address per customer service. I contacted eBay  to appeal the defect and in less than 5 minutes I got a message stating basically it would not be removed due to buyer unsatisfactory experience with my store. First, that is not true. No buyer reported a thing. Second, I tried to explain this to them but apparently they didn't even read my message much less bother to investigate the issues. How I know this is because it took them less then 5 minutes to respond plus I got another message explaining to my why negative feedback can not be removed. I don't have any negative feedback. It is like this is just standard operating procedure no matter what. Has anyone else had any issues with the relisting of sold items. If so, how did you get it handled? Is there anything I can do to get this defect removed from my account since it was not any of my fault in the first place? I have been a seller for a long time and never had much trouble till now. Any advice would be appreciated



Ghost or Zombie listings have been around for years and Ebay could care less.


Their attitude is that it is your listing and it is up to you to make sure you have stock.

Message 7 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

@donsdetour wrote:

The reps you talk to would have no idea of such a technical issue and that leaves you stranded.


They know about the problem, it's been happening for years.





Have a great day.
Message 8 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

The level of incompetence displayed by ebay in your story is astounding! At the end of the day the best they can do is tell you that negative feedback can't be removed when you had no negative feedback? Competent reps would get you in touch with a supervisor or manager or at least someone who listens and advises properly, instead of just making things up.


Keep trying to find a rep that can help you remove the defects.

Posting ID
Message 9 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

It's been a problem since we started selling here in 1998.


My solution is to actively monitor all my sites and all my listings every couple of weeks.

I put my listings into alphabetical orders and scroll through to find duplicates. Every now and again I will also spot a relisted Sold item and delete it too, with a NOTE that says why it has been deleted, in the hope and belief that if it does relist, I will spot it from the Note.


It's far from perfect, but it is fairly effective on the duplications.

For the record, most of my listings are One Of A Kind (OOAK).

Message 10 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items


 So, an update to this issue. I finally got someone to listen to me. It was all through email as right now there is no way to actually speak to a live person on the phone at eBay. It is all through chat or email. They removed the defect on my account. They also stated that technical is aware of this issue and they are working on it. Now whether they are actually working on it I don;t know but at least they removed the defect. Now there were 2 items that re-listed when they were sold. Time that defect was removed up pops a new kind of defect. It is listed under tracking not uploaded on time. Well, of course it isn't the sale was cancelled and there wouldn't be any tracking number to upload. Then all of a sudden there were 23 tracking not uploaded on time. What the heck is going on here? I had a buyer purchase over 150 items. That involved 5 separate invoices but all shipped together in same box. Tracking was uploaded manually for all items except one invoice which the tracking was automatically uploaded. I triple checked every single item to make sure the tracking was there and it was. Now they are stating there is no tracking for these items. I swear it is one thing after another. Supposedly someone is looking into this and is supposed to get back to me within 72 hours. Yeah, just like managed payments is suppose to be better than paypal. 

Just thought you might like to have an update. I will keep pushing till I get all this mess resolved.


Message 11 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

There have been posts about this problem for years, but I've never seen ebay admit it's a problem. Did you get that in writing?

Message 12 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

@verstraete589  says they were communicating by email.

Which is sortof like "in writing" and better , in my opinion, than an oral conversation, where either party can misunderstand and there is no record of where things might have gone off the rails.

Message 13 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items

Just had it happen again. A pattern I sold in March last year was relisted and sold again (of course). Had to cancel as OOS.


No point calling ebay, been down that road before (more than once). They refuse to accept responsibility for their lousy coding/system.

Message 14 of 15
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System automatically relisting sold items


 I also found out if you go to cancel the item instead of clicking out of stock click buyer asked to have it cancelled and there will be no defect on the account. That is what a rep told me if it happens again to put buyer asked. I don;t know if that works but that is what they told me to do. If this has been going on for so long now why haven't they been able to fix it? I keep getting told they are working on it and that they are aware of the problem blah blah blah. That they appreciate me reporting this issue.  it is still happening to a lot of sellers along with tracking not uploading on time. That is a whole other huge issue that I been dealing with for a week now and it still isn't fixed. You can't get a live person on the phone now it is all through chat or email. Good luck I hope you get it resolved with no defects on your account

Message 15 of 15
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