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Supplier ruining my rep

Hello.  This is my very first posting, so I do hope my question is not one that potentially violates any rules.  


I'm working with a supplier of warehouse goods.  While he has good merchandise that sells very well, he is awful with communication and has shipping arrangements that are ruining my feedback rating.  He contacted me from work we did back in 2009, in which time I stoppd for the very same reason, bad communication and iratic shipping.


I love working as a seller and am very good at it.  I do go the extra mile for my customers.  Just yesterday I rented a car to pickup an item that this supplier wouldn't ship.  I took it to a post office and paid shipping with insurance for a Puerto Rican buyer due to closed stores in her area.


How can I find a partner/drop-shipper that I can afford that will offer the items that sell?  

Message 1 of 37
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Supplier ruining my rep

Reason #1973 to not do dropshipping , "I love working as a seller and am very good at it."  , sorry but you are not good at it if you are being a dropshipper .

Message 31 of 37
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Supplier ruining my rep

Your supplier is not ruining your reputation, you are.
You have a negative that has pulled your feedback down to 94.7%. Your failure to respond  to and address this negative doesn't help you, it hurts you.

I review sellers feed back prior to bidding. My break point is 99.6%.  I look at seller's negatives and if they ignore negatives without even a simple explanation, I pass on that seller.


On occasion, if I have a question on an item I will contact the seller and say: As long as you're not busy responding to your negative feed backs', maybe you can answer my question.. etc. 


I don't expect an answer and even if I got one, I would not buy from this person.

"Fly the Big Ones"
Message 32 of 37
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Supplier ruining my rep

Mr. Smarty pants, do you always jump to conclusions and make a complete idiot out of yourself, or am I just the lucky recipient?  What are you talking about my failure to respond to this negative?  I spent over 2 hours and 5 phone calls between Ebay and PayPal trying to rectify this!   It hasn't even been on that long!  There was communication with Ebay regarding this, which is the reason it sat there for the day, not that an explanation is owed to you!


You've got some nerves coming from out of nowhere with your accusations and assumptions.   Are you deliberately trying to slander me?  


News flash for ya, Ebay removed the negative feedback from the buyer because she was unreasonable and was blocked from further harassing me.  FedEx confirmed that the package she didn't receive was refused from her location.   


I get that there is competition on Ebay, but some of these replies are ridiculous.  You don't come at someone like this without facts.  At least ask some questions.  Now, pick up your face duggmills, you're looking pretty stupid.

Message 33 of 37
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Supplier ruining my rep

I just resumed selling on Ebay in July of this year. Prior to that I was in a traveling consulting position. I've only sold on and off. And I will get to the FB on my time, not yours.
Message 34 of 37
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Supplier ruining my rep

Ebay removed the negative FB.  The buyer WAS in violation.  She lied about the package being returned when FedEx reported that it was refused on her end.  She left a negative FB when she was refunded and nothing was owed to her.  


I may not have 30,000 FB but I do have over 25 years experience working in a customer service capacity and I know how to go the extra mile for customers.  So much for what you know!

Message 35 of 37
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Supplier ruining my rep

I get don't dropship.  I think I got the memo now, **bleep**!   I learned my lesson.  I won't dropship.  My listings from that supplier are over.  Give me break!  

Message 36 of 37
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Supplier ruining my rep

Good for you, Grasshopper...go in peace.
Message 37 of 37
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