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Stock Photos Not Allowed With Seller's Photos To Display In Listings

It's frustrating that if sellers try to add their photos to the stock photo for new items, the stock photo no longer displays in the listing.
Since the stock photo is usually of good quality, this first photo (stock) displays in all listings to buyers and makes comparison shopping of new items easy.

There are instances when I would like to add photo/photos to the stock photo:

  1. the back of a CD or vinyl case to show the track listings, especially when its not available in the ebay catalog;
  2. the back of a book, video game, DVD, board game, toy, or other packaging showing reviews/additional product information (that I would have to otherwise manually type into the listing) that's not in the ebay catalog;
  3. a new book's signature, evidence of a first edition etc. to go with the stock photo;
  4. manufacturer's stock photos of the product in use, etc.

On several occasions I have added photos to listings only to have buyers requesting more photos/info since I did not account for the stock photo not displaying in the listing - this affect my sales.
Is there any other sellers who can make a case why they would like the stock photo to display along with their photo/photos?

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Re: Stock Photos Not Allowed With Seller's Photos To Display In Listings

I would prefer Ebay not allow any stock photos of an item unless it is a brand new item still in factory shrinkwrap. Stock photos cause too much confusion and you really don't know for sure what you are actually getting until it arrives. One major reason for snads.

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Re: Stock Photos Not Allowed With Seller's Photos To Display In Listings



The reason why eBay's stock photos disappear when you add your own is that the stock photo is a brand-new/pristine copy.  Your photos are of the actual item for sale.  It would be misleading to use a combination of both.  


I don't understand why you can't shoot all of the types of photos you listed yourself, including ones that are identical to any stock photos that may be available.  That's what everyone else does when they wish to show all aspects of the actual item that's being offered.  


Yes, it requires extra effort, but can enhance your sales not to mention helps ensure against INAD claims.  Far less effort I might add, than it would take to try and eBay to change their policies which are in place for good reason.

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Re: Stock Photos Not Allowed With Seller's Photos To Display In Listings

In my experience buyers are very leery of stock photos unless you are a massive big box retailer or one of the biggest media sellers on eBay with hundreds of multiples of the same items that can allow replacement at the drop of a hat if a problem arises.

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Re: Stock Photos Not Allowed With Seller's Photos To Display In Listings

If you are selling brand new items from an inventory of such items, there is no reason to add your own photos of selected individual items in the inventory.  However, if, on the other hand, there is something that needs to be brought to the buyer's attention on the individual items, I would recommend taking and using only your own images of the item.


Of course, this begs the question, if the individual items require individual photographs to show individual aspects of the product unique to that particular item, can this item be included in a listing for multiples of the same item?  

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
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