06-02-2018 05:58 AM
I sold a cell phone. Buyer asked to cancel after auction ended item was not paid for. Cancel went through with no problem. I relisted and sold item again so I now have the same item in my sold items list twice.
Question is how do i get the canceled one off of my sold items list?
06-02-2018 06:10 AM
The answer is you cannot remove it from your sold item list. It will time off after 60 days. You will also be stuck seeing You are awaiting payment for 1 item until it times off after 60 days as well in the payments section just above the sold item list.
It would be nice if we could remove the unpaid or canceled listings, but ebay hasn't seen fit to let us do that.
06-02-2018 06:10 AM
Click on the little box in front of the listing and scroll to the bottom and hit delete. This is how I do it on My Ebay page, but if you are in the seller hub it may be a little different.