10-11-2024 08:16 AM
Why would it be that listings I have sold still show up on my active listings? Thank you for the help!
10-11-2024 08:32 AM
You probably have the Out Of Stock setting enabled. Those listings will have a Quantity of 0, and can't sell, but will show in your Active Listings but be hidden from searches by buyers if that's the case.
If you have listings with a quantity more than 0 that you know you've sold, then something else might be going on, but I would check that first. You can see if it's enabled here: https://www.ebay.com/uas/selling-pref (look for the setting that says "Listings stay active when you're out of stock.")
10-11-2024 02:01 PM
I woke up today to have the same issue when I discovered a sale for an item that sold in August. Then, looking at my actives tonight, I have at least 25 more! I don't have the listings stay active when out of stock, so I'm desperate. Can anyone help us? (I list all my items myself. ) I think I'll close my store down for a few days until this is hopefully cleared up.