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So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

So when I buy here I always use PayPal to pay. Tried to buy something today and it pops up they are having a problem choose another payment method. 

So I go into my PayPal account and everything is fine. No issues. Go back into the listing and now it won’t even display the pay with PayPal option. 

That seller just lost a sale. 

Anyone else see this?

The Race is over
The Rats won.
Message 1 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

@valueaddedresource wrote:

elizabeth@ebay wrote:

@valueaddedresource wrote:

elizabeth@ebay wrote:

@valueaddedresource wrote:

elizabeth@ebay  - tagging you here as a suggestion for the payment best practices post you made yesterday.


I understand this is an issue on PayPal's side, so there really isn't anything eBay can do to fix it, but maybe some proactive communication from eBay would help?


When PayPal's API is not available, it causes PayPal to no longer show as a payment option on the listing page, which is very concerning for users.


noPP (1).png


This isn't the first time and every time I've seen it happen, it sets off a wave of panic here in the community and I would also imagine increased load on eBay's customer support line and social media channels.


It might be a good idea to add something about it to the Problems paying with PayPal on eBay section here:


Not sure what the best wording would be, but maybe something to indicate specifically if you don't see PayPal as an available option, there may be a technical issue and you should try again later or select a different payment method?

Good Morning @valueaddedresource. I appreciate your advice here, and think this would be a good addition. I'll work on adding a statement about checkout errors specifically. 

Thanks elizabeth@ebay but just to be clear, I'm not sure this would exactly be a "checkout error".


Yes, PayPal is not available at checkout when this happens, but the issue (and concern it causes) actually starts before checkout, when viewing an item page and not seeing the PayPal logo among the accepted payment methods as shown in my screenshot.


That leads to people assuming that eBay has decided to stop accepting PayPal all together, before they ever reach the checkout page.


Again, not sure what the best solution is, just wanted to be clear the issue doesn't just impact checkout, it's affecting the buyer experience as soon as they enter the view item page and may cause lost sales if buyers who prefer to only use PayPal don't have any explanation for why PayPal is no longer showing on the page as a payment option.


Maybe instead of removing it completely, a better solution would be to have it greyed out and when you hover over it a pop up info box that says something like "not available right now" and a "click to learn more" link that goes to the help page with further info?

Valid points @valueaddedresource. I think adding a checkout issue portion would help, but when it comes to the PayPal issue, a better direction would be to work with our developers on how this issue appears on the listing page (great suggestion regarding it being greyed out). I'll reach out  to some teams on this, and appreciate your feedback.

elizabeth@ebay just bumping this idea back up again - it looks like PayPal is once again experiencing issues today that are causing it to not be listed as an available payment option on eBay.

I would imagine your support reps are getting flooded with calls and social media contacts as result - some kind of visual indication letting buyers know what's going on could help alleviate that headache. 

Thank you @valueaddedresource. It appears this is a current site issue (ALERT14241) that we're getting added to the tech board now. 

Message 31 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

You Have More Comeback If Something goes Wrong when Paid Via Paypal 

Message 32 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

Happening again today.


Message 33 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

Yep go to amazon. I don't appreciate being herded into opening a paypal credit card as they keep trying to force me into when I am happy with my status quo of a simple life. Ebay needs to kiss and make up as so many buyers and sellers are being effected. I am going to amazon a lot more lately and now probably exclusively

Message 34 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

It is simpler. Are you an ebay bot trying to convince me it's no big deal to add a credit card. Kiss and make up with paypal ebay. You should never have gotten into your war with them

Message 35 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

It is Oct 15, 2023 and I listed an item to sell on ebay. Paypal is not even mentioned as an option. They want my bank's routing and acct number or I won't get paid. Does anyone have any issues like this?

Message 36 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

@gree-gab wrote:

It is Oct 15, 2023 and I listed an item to sell on ebay. Paypal is not even mentioned as an option. They want my bank's routing and acct number or I won't get paid. Does anyone have any issues like this?

It's not an issue.  That's how Ebay sellers get paid, for around three years now.


Ebay sellers get paid to their checking account, buyers can pay with Paypal, credit/debit cards, Apple Pay or Google Pay.



The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 37 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

The worst part for me when these old threads get dredged up is seeing Mentors that we don’t see anymore @wrong66 




PayPal is no longer an option for sellers to get paid. All sellers must have a checking account set up in Managed Payments. 

Unfortunately, eBay allows us to list things before we set up that checking account. 
If you sell something without it, you have to wait for the funds to be sent to your states unclaimed funds. That can take 180 days or more. 


No one asked, but I am looking forward to the day when having feedback default sorted by relevance seems right.
Message 38 of 39
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Re: So what’s up with ebay not taking PayPal payment?

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 39 of 39
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