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So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

I know everyone is talking about recent changes, such as the "all selling" page, and I see no reason they have forced this on us.  It almost feels like eBay is on a path to implode.  I have been selling since 1999 and the recent changes seem to be more destructive than constructive.  I will continue to use it, but have been forced to go to other platforms due to slowness of sales.  I do wonder what's up

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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

@m60driver wrote:

So we have different standards.  Yes, the seller hub is optimized for viewing on a mobile device.  But many of us still use desktops and it is not optimized for desktop usage.  When they stop selling desktops then Ebay can ditch the classic page as it more than meets today's standards for such devices.

The Seller Hub is, actually. It's designed using current website design best practices. And, if you'll notice, it's responsive, meaning that it stretches/shrinks to fit the size of your display (to a certain point; there's a size at which it can't go any smaller). That's how websites should be designed these days.

Message 16 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

It's also designed with customization that's uniquely suited to desktop applications - it's one of the things eBay did which actually work, despite its rough start.  It also has capacity to build in features that eBay offers.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 17 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

Yes. And because it's made with modern code, it can be updated easily.


To give an idea of just how old the code on the selling page is, it's still got a conditional comment to run an HTML5 Shiv in it. An HTML5 Shiv is a piece of code that allows a website using HTML5 to display properly in Internet Explorer 9 and below, because IE did not play well with HTML5 until after version 9.

Message 18 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

We have been on eBay since 1997.    I do not believe this has anything to do with the economy.  I believe this is eBay shooting itself in the foot again with updates, etc.   The sales have been extremely slow.  Normally we sell over 200 plus items a month.  Now we are selling about 20 items a week.  I have markdowns and promoted items but this does not seem to have much "boosting" power.  I am off to double list on Facebook Marketplace and Etsy.  I can't wait for eBay to figure out what their issues are.




Message 19 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

Believe it or not, they could have redone things in the new coding, and still retained USER FUNCTIONALITY. But giving a rat's behind how anything affects their CUSTOMERS hasn't been a priority of eBays for many years now.

Message 20 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

@hioctane62 wrote:

Believe it or not, they could have redone things in the new coding, and still retained USER FUNCTIONALITY. But giving a rat's behind how anything affects their CUSTOMERS hasn't been a priority of eBays for many years now.

It's perfectly functional. I've been using the Seller Hub for over six years now and it works just fine. People are conflating "I don't like this" with "it doesn't work" and those aren't the same thing at all.

Message 21 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

I still hate it.  Seller hub has stunk for years.  Totally a time waster.

They get raises, we get less and less.

Message 22 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

No plan, it just comes natural for them.

Message 23 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

@pcobra93 wrote:

They handed the keys to the company to clueless fools.

Happens to every single corporation as soon as the original founders let it go public.
It's sad, happened to Yahoo, it's happening to Google, I am sure Amazon isn't that far off.

Message 24 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

It is the course, the results created by eBay are what they asked for.

They have deceived and lied  just like the Fake President and the Liberals.

Soon they will both fail completely.

Message 25 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

@yuzuha wrote:

Yes. And because it's made with modern code, it can be updated easily.


To give an idea of just how old the code on the selling page is, it's still got a conditional comment to run an HTML5 Shiv in it. An HTML5 Shiv is a piece of code that allows a website using HTML5 to display properly in Internet Explorer 9 and below, because IE did not play well with HTML5 until after version 9.


@yuzuha   I just saw this.  ::hork::   

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 26 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

@chapeau-noirYeeeeeeeeep. If anyone wanted definitive proof of just how outdated the Classic page was? There you have it.

Message 27 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

Same here....I easily sell 100+items a month and am struggling to see 10 a week the last 2 months. Horrendous 😨

Message 28 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

Customer service is a NIGHTMARE, Today it took 14 transfers to finally get someone astute enough to resolve the issues which wrecked my schedule of listings. Since mp (mental pause) was implemented their accounting practices leave a bit of a confused state of finances indeed. Besides having a cluster F__k of a items and fees charged in conjunction with what the seller wants & needs to see, they do not think the sellers need to see any sort of easy to read comprehendible report. Maybe they don't want ones mind to do any real math and figure out the blatant lies they peddled about saving money with mp. In fact just like the DC politicians they think they can spew false facts and some how no one will catch on. No one except them believe their own **bleep**. Customer service all documented, they told me that I was in violation of the cave act.

it was they could come up with as to why they flagged 400 of my listings. 4 days later after the 4 hours and 14 transfers, my account was able to list again, only they then charged me insertion fees for 150 items that I had on schedule and it didn't cost  me any insertion fees. So customer service is so screwed up it is pathetic. BTW they debited my pending payouts for the fees that they created and told me it had to  get approved in order for it to be given back to me. 

Good Job Corporate.

Message 29 of 32
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Re: So...Does eBay have a plan to destroy what it has built?

@hriczgashenr wrote:

It is the course, the results created by eBay are what they asked for.

They have deceived and lied  just like the Fake President and the Liberals.

Soon they will both fail completely.

One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Is this stuff really necessary? 

Message 30 of 32
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