06-14-2021 04:00 AM
Hi Guys
Since Mid April I have seen a sharp decline in sales, has nay one else had the same issue?
I mainly sell Fruit Of The Loom T-Shirts and Summer is usually one of my best times but this yer it is an absolute disaster.
06-14-2021 04:10 AM
Not sure if this is the explanation in your case, but now that the restrictions have been lifted in many places, lots of buyers who had been more or less forced to shop on line, are now enjoying going out to B&M stores.
06-14-2021 04:43 AM
People are now allowed to venture back into stores. Considering we've all been cooped up over a year, most are out and about with pleasure now. Hopefully your sales will pick up in time to capture some of the summer season. Best of luck to you....
06-14-2021 04:50 AM
You asked. Could it be that you have ten negative and 19 neutral feedbacks over the past year. I can't say for sure but it looks like you don't handle the inventory. Plus you're in the U.K. Maybe Brexit is killing your business?
06-14-2021 05:12 AM
Is your account below standard due to the poor negatives and neutral feedbacks? That could result in ebay giving you less views. Or it could be your feedback is just putting off buyers. Also in UK now everyone went to the beach and no time left for ebay shopping.
06-14-2021 05:13 AM
19 neutrals and 10 negatives. I can't imagine why sales are slow?
06-14-2021 05:15 AM
Hi - Maybe some of the other on line stores are getting traction? L
06-14-2021 05:17 AM
Hi - The guy came for help & gets put down. How is that right? L
06-14-2021 05:19 AM
@oldcoin007 wrote:Hi - The guy came for help & gets put down. How is that right? L
So you want me to lie to him? How is that right?
06-14-2021 05:19 AM
Hi - Ten negatives & 19 neutrals with almost 14,000 feedback seems pretty good to me. Don't let the meanies get to you. L
06-14-2021 05:22 AM
Hi - People who buy your kind of stuff are generally more intelligent & less likely to leave bad feedback. Buyers of T shirts, etc. are much more likely to leave negative feedback. L
06-14-2021 05:28 AM
I disagree with you. I wouldn't buy from someone with so many unanswered neutrals and negatives.
Because i don't agree with you, that makes me a "meanie"? How is that right?
06-14-2021 05:33 AM
Hi inhawaii - Encourage him. He already knows he has the negatives & neutrals. He has almost 14,000 feedback. Also, he sells stuff that is more likely to get bad feedback because of the type buyers he has to deal with. Haven't you noticed that a whole lot of bad feedback is left on inexpensive items? You were kind to me, can't you be kind also to him? Kindness is a wonderous thing! L
06-14-2021 05:41 AM
Hello karl-deen,
My sales are slow too.
Hopefully things pick up for both of us.
Have a wonderful week and stay safe.
06-14-2021 05:42 AM
...blame Amazon...