10-23-2023 03:04 AM
Lol I haven't sold a thing in three days (that's a new one on me) and am feeling completely shadowbanned at the moment. 🤣
How's everyone doing?
PS: No need to comment on my individual items and tell me I'm being dumb about this or that listing. Everything sells eventually. 😃
10-25-2023 08:52 AM
I'm so confused. Sometimes I think that all are tax dollars are meant to help large corporations succeed and protect the people in other countries. Or keep strong political, corporate ties. Instead of helping our own people. Is this what our hardworking tax dollars for?
10-25-2023 09:02 AM
Thank goodness we have a strong military and those who serve it. Thank you for your service. Lots of lives lost and sacrificed for our great country. They also work very hard.
10-25-2023 09:15 AM
10-25-2023 09:20 AM
I looked up just the other day the average hip replacement in the United States cost 35 thousand to 45 thousand dollars. That's just for one hip. In Panama it cost just 5 grand. Their doctors are certified and trained in the United States. Food for thought.
10-25-2023 09:27 AM
I don’t think I want to live in Panama. We have a good healthcare system in the US and I have wonderful doctors.
10-25-2023 10:07 AM
She is so lucky to have all the help and loving support, funding from her fans, friends, family. Just to think if she didn't have all that. That reminds me I better go get my booster.
10-25-2023 11:13 AM
@myfrugalboutique wrote:I don’t think I want to live in Panama. We have a good healthcare system in the US and I have wonderful doctors.
Cant compare Panama and the USA, tiny versus giant nation. The US helps "float" other care systems around the world as well which is one reason costing is higher than many nor do we have socialized care. It's very complex as is globalization... NOTHING is simple NOTHING but for whatever the reasons we've now generations of American's where huge segments of the population think very simplistic in a world that's went the exact opposite direction. Atop that, those huge swaths of Americans dont want to learn and then want blame others up to an including government with bursts of simplistic emotional gibberish. I just don't understand it.
It's why I say on a political forum I help moderate at times, "The Lions who do not even realize how sheepified they've become short of how much wool is on their backs."
10-25-2023 11:45 AM
"Where do we fit into this global economy?" As a taxpayer? What are your thoughts? Don't get emotional. Maybe we could learn something from all of this. "How did Rome fall?"
10-25-2023 12:08 PM
Out of desperation I have been listing things locally and I was able to make an entire week’s worth of eBay sales in 2 days by listing a handful of items on local marketplaces.
10-25-2023 12:56 PM
Exactly! I've been relying on local sales all year. Last 6 days - $12 on eBay & $145 locally and counting.
10-25-2023 05:57 PM
Same same. Even promoting all your lisitngs and doing the advanced promotion to boot = slow sales as of late. IMHO it's all of the above this time around. Yadda yadda ya.
10-25-2023 06:01 PM
@lawnmowerpartsstore2 wrote:Why did Mary Lou Retton not have health insurance?The reasons for her lack of health insurance, whether due to financial difficulties, a policy lapse, or other personal factors, remain unknown. Mary Lou Retton's daughter, McKenna Kelley, initiated a crowdfunding campaign on Spotfund to raise funds for her mother's medical treatment.
If I had a nickel for every time someone racked MLR over the coals, I would retire.
10-25-2023 08:44 PM - edited 10-25-2023 08:45 PM
Posted in the wrong place (waves at Retro)
10-25-2023 08:49 PM
The medical industry in the US is in a shameful state, with the highest per capita medical expenditure in the industrialized world (we have maybe 4% of the world’s population but account for half of the almost $8 trillion healthcare), yet one of the poorest public health pictures in the industrialised world, and it is getting worse - partly due to our lifestyle, but also due to medical deserts and sky-high costs where many people cannot access preventative healthcare to head off worse conditions (which feeds nicely into our enormous health care insurance industry). If the rest of the world gets crumbs from our table, it's because our system is so incredibly inefficient. I worked in medical documentation and quality assurance for 25 years so I've seen this from the inside, too. I would not call it "excellent" with close to 70% of the US population thinking it is not so excellent.
BTW, Panama has a high standard of medical care (without bankrupting its population) - Americans go there for affordable health care.
The whole Mary Lou Retton thing is a cautionary tale, but I hope she continues to recover.
10-25-2023 08:50 PM
BTW, are we winding up to the cat pictures yet? I have a bunch.