01-12-2019 03:32 PM
For those that sell silver items. Silver or silver plated I have some questions. Speculation also welcome.
1. Do you guys find that when you are selling a non scrap item weather sterling or plated, do you find that it sells better, for more, or quicker if its cleaned and polished vs the patina left on it? What is the over under? how much faster, how much more?
2. Where do you draw the line between an item that is scrap and an item that is worth selling at an item price? Seller appeal? Hard numbers from the sold section?
01-14-2019 01:09 AM
01-14-2019 01:16 AM
01-14-2019 07:18 AM
@second-chance-sa1es, you have very nice items listed.
01-14-2019 07:59 AM
Fwiw, if you are going to sell sterling and plate flatware and hollowware then invest in a large tub of Hagerty silver foam, plus a horsehair brush and natural ocean sponge. Those are the tools of the professionals in the business. Silver foam is mild and enhances the patina. The horsehair brush will clean pattern work without scratching and removing the blackening. Once your silver is clean store in a sealed environment ideally with 3M tarnish preventing strips to absorb sulfur gases that cause tarnish. An alternative for storage is the kenized cloth bags, but they can be pricey.
01-14-2019 05:20 PM
01-14-2019 05:24 PM
01-14-2019 08:20 PM
That's true but sometimes patina can be attractive and interesting, too.