01-12-2025 03:46 AM
A buyer purchased an item, then 3 days later sent noticed her address was incorrect. USPS marked item as undeliverable and is returning to me. What is the best way for the seller to send me a new shipping label that she will purchase? Thanks!
01-12-2025 04:18 AM
"What is the best way for the seller to send me a new shipping label that she will purchase?"
Aren't YOU the seller?
01-12-2025 04:21 AM
The best way for your selling account is to refund the buyer the item cost only and relist the item.
The buyer can then re-buy the item and put the correct address.
01-12-2025 07:33 AM
Thank you for kindly replying to my question.
01-12-2025 07:51 AM
This is my standard advice for RTS (returned to sender) packages. Take the parts that are relevant to your situation.
You have a few options. You should decide which route you'll be taking and communicate with the buyer, but wait until the item is returned (and delivered) to you before you take any of the following actions.
01-13-2025 01:57 AM
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer!
01-13-2025 01:59 AM
Thank you!