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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

Just sold and item for $30 +

$6 shipping and handling - buyer paid?

$2.97 sales tax 


= $38.97 x12.9% =  $5.03 variable fee


+ .30cents fixed fee = $5.33


order total $36 - $5.33 = $30



I received $30 in my bank account and then eBay just took $5.96 for shipping label? Making my total profit $24.04 so I ended up losing money on what I had originally priced the item and this has happened a couple of other times am I missing something or misunderstanding how shipping and handling and shipping label work? Is there 2 different fees? Shipping and handling the buyer pays and the Shipping label I pay? Are they the same thing? 

Message 1 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

The buyer pays YOU for the shipping.  You then pay the shipping out of the money the buyer paid you.

The buyer paid you $6 for shipping and handling and you, per eBay, then paid $5.96 out of that for the shipping label.

There are not two different fees for shipping and handling.  You can call it S&H or just shipping, same thing.

Please re-read all the information available about fees and shipping. 

Message 2 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

The payout you received includes the money charged to the buyer for the postage.  Your numbers are correct.  You are just forgetting that the fees came out of the total when you received the payout.  The postage also comes out after you print your label.   If you want to end up with thirty dollars, you have to price your item higher than that to account for the fees. 

Message 3 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label



eBay fees are calculated on the total amount the buyer paid, including shipping and sales tax. Then the eBay fees and sales tax are deducted from the total buyer's payment, and the rest is sent to you in your payout. The sales tax is a pass-through.


Depending on how you pay for the shipping label, it may be deducted from your payout as well, or eBay may charge you separately for it.


So, the buyer paid you for the shipping, and then you used that money to pay for the shipping label. It may seem as though you didn't receive the buyer's shipping funds, but that's because they were almost the same amount as the eBay fees.


Here's an approximation of the fee calculation for that sale. It's approximate because I don't know exactly how much sales tax the buyer had to pay.


PAYMENT: amount:calculated on:  (comments)
      purchase price  $   30.00 
      shipping cost  $     6.00 
   subtotal  $   36.00 
   sales tax     8.25% $     2.97subtotal  (at buyer's rate)
total buyer's payment  $   38.97 
      variable final value fee    12.9% $     5.03total buyer's payment
      fixed final value fee $      0.30 $     0.30 
   total eBay fees  $     5.33 
   sales tax  $     2.97(sent to buyer's state)
   shipping label  $          -  (if purchased on eBay)
total deductions from payout  $     8.30(total eBay fees + sales tax + shipping label)
payout sent  $   30.67

(total payment - total deductions)


Message 4 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

You list item for $30.00

It sells for that amount:

You charge buyer for shipping ( it is payed to you). $6.00

You pay for shipping.


Buyer pays tax and eBay collects it and remits it to the sellers state. $2.97


eBay charges a  variable fee on the whole amount;

30 +6+2.97= 38.97

.129 times 38.97 = $5.03 rounded up.

Fixed final value fee is $.30


So total eBay final value fees are $5.33

After fees you have  $33.64.

taxes collected by eBay:  $3.97

so now you are down to $30.67.

Your cost of shipping is $5.96

so now the total you should get from eBay on the sale is:



I only see some minor errors in your math.(left out the tax on your calculations):

I believe you have the idea: and will need to raise your prices to compensate for said costs.




Message 5 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

"...Making my total profit $24.04 so I ended up losing money on what I had originally priced the item and this has happened a couple of other times..."


Just out of curiousity, what did you EXPECT your payout to be for this $30.00 sale?

(as well as the 'other times')

Message 6 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

I guess where I’m confused about is the $38.97? But my final total was $30 that was deposited to my account t I guess I assumed eBay has already taken their fees Including the shipping lable from the $38.97 but they didn’t they later took from my bank account $5.96 for the shipping lable. 


Message 7 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

" final total was $30 that was deposited to my account t I guess I assumed eBay has already taken their fees..."


so you assumed you would NET (make) $30 from a $30 sale?

Message 8 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

@joraulbarre_0 wrote:

I guess where I’m confused about is the $38.97? But my final total was $30 that was deposited to my account t I guess I assumed eBay has already taken their fees Including the shipping lable from the $38.97 but they didn’t they later took from my bank account $5.96 for the shipping lable. 


Hmm  shipping could be the problem as some times it can cost more, shipper charges more down the road.; You need to check the details of your payments to see what is going on with this.

Message 9 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

@joraulbarre_0 wrote:

I guess where I’m confused about is the $38.97? But my final total was $30 that was deposited to my account t I guess I assumed eBay has already taken their fees Including the shipping lable from the $38.97 but they didn’t they later took from my bank account $5.96 for the shipping lable. 


Per your example-- $38.97 is the total payment, but you have to remember ebay will take out the sales tax and fees immediately.   What remains covers the shipping label and your cut.   I'm sure you realize that if you sell something for $30. you won't end up with $30. due to fees, etc.


The shipping label amount isn't deducted from your funds until you actually print it.

Message 10 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

When you sell something for $30; it costs 13% fees which are TAKEN from that $30


So you net about $26.


The 'shipping amount' you also get, but that is to then be used to purchase the label, which YOU then pay for.

Message 11 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

@donsdetour wrote:

@joraulbarre_0 wrote:

I guess where I’m confused about is the $38.97? But my final total was $30 that was deposited to my account t I guess I assumed eBay has already taken their fees Including the shipping lable from the $38.97 but they didn’t they later took from my bank account $5.96 for the shipping lable. 


Hmm  shipping could be the problem as some times it can cost more, shipper charges more down the road.; You need to check the details of your payments to see what is going on with this.

Hmm can not edit: to late:


So you received $30.00 deposit to your bank , and later had taken out shipping of $5.96 for a total left of



Hmm I will go though this again.

Total received including tax was: $38.97

Ebay fees were: $5.33

Sub total.... $33.64

tax collected by eBay.. $2.97

Sub total $30.67

So you get a transfer to bank of $30.67

and then shipping taken out of $5.97: (note original post says $5.96

for  a total of $24.70.


So the shipping was printed or charged after transfer of money is the correct amount.

No later charges there. 




Message 12 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

Correct $5.96 was withdrawn from my account after $30 was deposited earlier leaving me with$24.04 from that sale 


so what with the $38.97? 
it clearly states $6.00 shipping and handling? In the statement lol I dunno sorry guys honestly it’s ok I guess they should be more clear about the math or numbers I don’t mind lying for shipping but then why charge the customer when it clearly states buyer pays 

Message 13 of 14
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Shipping and Handling / shipping label

I don’t disagree that eBay could make it clearer, but just look at the numbers. If eBay didn’t collect that $6. postage from your buyer and include it in your payout, you would have ended up with even less money.  You have to deduct everything out of your total payment that is supposed to come out.  

Message 14 of 14
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