10-29-2020 02:03 PM
Shipped a box July 31 after 2 weeks buyer messages where is my item? I track it and it is in the USPS universe. I advise buyer to wait a week and contact me. After a week buyer states still no item, I track it still in the mystery place with all of the missing socks from the dryer. I refund the buyer and state if you ever see it please repay me. Fast forward to Oct 28th. Buyer contacts me, they got the item. Only took 3 months USPS Priority from MN to AL ( a new record for me for a domestic shipment) and guess what? They sent the payment back. WOW there are still some good ones out there
10-29-2020 02:24 PM
Wow is right! This happens maybe once a decade? Terrible USPS service but you're a great seller for doing everything right. He is a spectacular buyer for sending you the payment 3 months after the case closed. Nominate him for "buyer of the year!" Thanks for a good news report-we all needed to see this!
10-29-2020 02:26 PM
Thank you for sharing your positive outcome to this situation. I believe there are more good people (buyers) than bad ones out there. It just seems we hear about the negative stories more than we hear about the positive ones.
10-29-2020 02:51 PM
Wonderful feel good story! Thanks for sharing!😍
10-29-2020 02:58 PM
So happy this worked out for you and them.
10-29-2020 03:01 PM
Now there is a customer I would be tempted to send a message to letting him know if he ever purchases anything else he will get a xx% rebate for his honesty and integrity. It would have been so easy for him to simply have kept the item and his money as many a buyer has done to many a seller due to shipping issues and eBay would have done NOTHING to help you in this case.
10-29-2020 03:07 PM
That's really nice, great!
We had couple similar scenarios recently, buyers did not sent payment back after receiving the items,
We can only wish them well and send them to our BBL...🤔
10-29-2020 03:07 PM
Great story. It is always nice to hear stories about people who have integrity and do the right thing like this buyer.
10-30-2020 01:01 AM
10-30-2020 05:36 AM
I'm glad it worked out and you had such an honest buyer. Thanks for sharing this positive story.