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Sending Offers to Watchers

If you send a watcher/potential buyer and OFFER and they review your OFFER and then adds a question in the memo field and then declines your OFFER, how do you respond to the question?  I can only see the USERS first initial and then some asterics and then the last initial and then the number of surveys.  If I received a counteroffer I could have responded but the watcher/potential buyer asked the question and then hit decline on my OFFER.  Anyone have a suggestion?  Thanks 

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

Can you see the potential buyer's moniker in blue anywhere, saying you've sent that person an offer?

You can click on the blue moniker and get an option to send a message/contact them. Good luck.

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

I figure if a watcher was interested in an offer they would make one.    I never make unsolicited offers. 

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

Seems that in these instances where the offer is sent to anonymous  watcher/potential buyers........................    the ID remains anonymous.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

Ahhh ya they shouldn't review your offer, ask a question and then decline, that's nuts and defeats the whole purpose in my opinion. Keep sending those offers, hey that's how I buy a lot of stuff, I personally love them!

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

Thanks for your response.  No, nothing in blue like I have seen in the past.  All you can see is the first initial and then the asterisks.  It’s twice I’ve had a watcher decline an offer with a question added in the memo field and I have no way to respond because unable to view the USER ID.  It’s Frustrating because you want to help but not sure how to locate the watcher to respond.  

Anyway - thanks again


Enjoy your day

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

I think your assumption that an interested watcher will make an offer is unnecessary. Most watchers are interested but not enough to take action. All it needs to be enough may just be an offer from the seller. 


"It does no harm to ask" works for both buyers and sellers. 

"What do we live for, if it's not to make life less difficult for each other?" — G Eliot
Message 7 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

I give offers most of time they take it , I do not do counter offer my price are already decent 

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

Unhappily, eBay appears to have begun encrypting the buyer name in other offer situations, not just seller offers. In one case tonight, the buyer initiated an offer, I counteroffered, they declined my counter, now don't know who they were.


This is paranoia on eBay's part. I like to know who made offers for many good business reasons. ... Like they make an offer on another item, I might offer a combined deal if I could be sure the two offers came from the same person.


Saving a copy of all offer pages. ... lets you keep name, but without a link to find or follow up.


I'll be making a bookmark then. Shhh...



Message 9 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

@fcg_ami65 wrote:

If you send a watcher/potential buyer and OFFER and they review your OFFER and then adds a question in the memo field and then declines your OFFER, how do you respond to the question?  I can only see the USERS first initial and then some asterics and then the last initial and then the number of surveys.  If I received a counteroffer I could have responded but the watcher/potential buyer asked the question and then hit decline on my OFFER.  Anyone have a suggestion?  Thanks 





any solution to this problem that you can think of ? 

Message 10 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

Offers from other sellers  work on me real well  🙂  However  I've never made a single sale myself  by sending an offer ..  I quit  them  some time ago . Shrug  Tulips

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

I had an item on my watch list.  I really wasn't interested in buying it.  Had it on my watch list as a reminder to investigate something similar.  Anyway, I got an offer from the seller with a 10% discount.  I only remember seeing buttons to accept the offer and decline the offer along with a box for comments.  I don't remember a counter offer button.


Now this was like 3 days ago, so I could be wrong.  But I can see why the person receiving the offer responded as they did.  They did not want to accept the offer, but since there was no counteroffer button, they could only decline along with asking their question.  They probably had no idea the seller couldn't tell who sent the question.  It only makes sense that if there is box for comments or questions the seller should be able to respond.  Sounds like something that should be fixed, but we all know that won't happen for a long while if ever.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

By not sending offers to watchers you are losing money.  I send offers to all watchers and it works 10% of the time.  As a matter of fact I sent 13 offers out yesterday and 4 turned into large sales. How hard is it to send an offer?

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

@dhbookds wrote:

@fcg_ami65 wrote:

If you send a watcher/potential buyer and OFFER and they review your OFFER and then adds a question in the memo field and then declines your OFFER, how do you respond to the question?  I can only see the USERS first initial and then some asterics and then the last initial and then the number of surveys.  If I received a counteroffer I could have responded but the watcher/potential buyer asked the question and then hit decline on my OFFER.  Anyone have a suggestion?  Thanks 





any solution to this problem that you can think of ? 

Probably no solution, as basically this is very likely the intent of eBay when setting this up.


eBay, in the "seller send offer" scenario, wants the  watcher/potential buyers........................   ID to remains anonymous.


Not great in all situations such as the OP, but keeping the seller from seeing the ID they are sending to retains the "watcher" as "unknown", just like it is now.  


Could it be done?  Probably. Could eBay do it? It would be difficult for eBay (we continually see what their IT coders do to things when they make changes) .........................   show an ID......  just when a response was made to a "seller offer".


Some buy and sell on the same account. (poor idea) Those sellers "watching" things that they also sell may not want the seller of like items knowing that they are watching. 



Message 14 of 21
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Re: Sending Offers to Watchers

@dhbookds wrote:

@fcg_ami65 wrote:

If you send a watcher/potential buyer and OFFER and they review your OFFER and then adds a question in the memo field and then declines your OFFER, how do you respond to the question?  I can only see the USERS first initial and then some asterics and then the last initial and then the number of surveys.  If I received a counteroffer I could have responded but the watcher/potential buyer asked the question and then hit decline on my OFFER.  Anyone have a suggestion?  Thanks 





any solution to this problem that you can think of ? 

@dhbookds buyers should have the option to send a counteroffer on an offer a seller sent to watchers. Doing a counteroffer instead of declining it would be the route the buyer should take. If it's declined then the seller won't see the buyers info and this is by design.

Community Team
Message 15 of 21
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