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Sellers Customer Service Decline

Recently the eBay customer support has drastically declined in my experience. The US based phone number is no longer in use. I know this was once for people who paid extra, however I have used it for years with no issues. Someone shared the number in a FB group. Last year I paid $90,000 in fees to eBay and on track to pay the same this year. My options for seller customer service is chat or talk with someone, typically in a third world country, when convenient for eBay or FB eBay for business chat (may take 6 hours to get a response, especially if on the east coast). The response from eBay for business has also declined. I have corrected the reps numerous times on policy which they later realized after 30 minutes of back and forth. I feel like if the customer service is going to be reduced for people paying them that the fees should also be reduced. I think its ridiculous to ask a long time seller to pay more and receive less. Theres not even a way to contact anyone significant at eBay to address this. I feel like my fees are being wasted on "trendy" things or "time wasting improvements" that other platforms use. Many of our updates just cost the sellers a ton of time. There is no way anyone who is a regular lister/seller on eBay runs those through a test prior to forcing them on every eBay seller. 

Message 1 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

My experience with Ebay for Business on Facebook was American responders located in the U.S., who understood my question and were  very helpful. Use the message link.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 2 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

Noticed the exact same thing. Quality and training are both down.  Lack of awareness of their own policies as well.  It's all arbitrary now - individuals doing their thing, no policy or procedure followed.  Use of generative AI is being hyped like rest of tech but eBay can't even get basic software engineering right, let alone AI.  

Financials for eBay tell the whole store,  users and revenue continue to slip and only saving grace has been advertising fee increases. Ultimately if users continue to drop, no amount of over-advertising to the remaining base is going to fix sales for sellers and ultimately revenue for eBay. Up-sell on fees can only take you so far. You may want to consider diversifying - which is what we did. 

Message 3 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

OP Needs to go to the top of his home  page  click  the help needed . it send him to the help issues  on bottom  click contact support   .where it has selling and buying  pick which one .it give you the auto question box write call back needed  and do it a second time  if use seller fee's   ,when ask a fee issue  click and type yes  then call back your phone number will show up  hit it.  Not sure why contact support is mad so hard . Makes no since  when both sellers and buyers need phone help. 

Message 4 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

meant   :  Made too hard.

Message 5 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline


Go to this link and you'll get some descent customer service.  I used it last week as I didn't receive an instant payout I requested.  They replied to me with a few hours and took care of the issue.  Very pleased with the outcome.  Here's the link:



Good luck to you. 

Message 6 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

Certainly some people get bad info from Customer doubt about it.......but if you consider the thousands, if not millions, of contacts that are made....we see a tiny, minuscule number of complaints about it on these boards.  Not to say there aren't plenty more complaints......or that incorrect information isn't given out.....but condemning the whole system based on a personal experience is probably not "objective". 

Message 7 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

Clearly you did not read the whole post. 

Message 8 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

I agree 100%. This is so said. My guess is they are trying to push out certain accounts and only let the bigger sellers sell. There are too many items for sale and not enough buyers. I have had buyers send back empty boxes, I made police reports and ebay lowered my seller ranking because of having them step in and help. Maybe I should do that. Just start sending back empty boxes since thats ok I guess. 

Ebay will not connect me with a customer service agent. We spend 100k and sell 200k of stuff per year. They have stopped caring about thier customers. I have never been treated so badly while trying to get help

Message 9 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

Then you're not using US eBay. Or you're just a flat out shill for eBay. How much do they pay you?

Message 10 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

I don't use Facebook. Why should we be forced to go to Facebook to contact customer support for eBay?

Message 11 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

Ten before a "you work for eBay" post.

Not a record, but pretty fast.

Message 12 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

In the last six seven years I don't think I've gotten more than 5 good answers from ebay employees third world or US.  I tend to know minimum twice as much about eBay than they do. 

Message 13 of 14
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Sellers Customer Service Decline

Totally agree. The lack of customer support at eBay and the amount of fees we pay in the United States we call this violation of fair and ethical business practices. 

Message 14 of 14
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