10-29-2020 06:22 AM
After over 2 weeks of reporting the listings and over 10 phone calls to eBay Concierge Help Desk, they continue to refuse to remove the listings or take any action. Why do I care? He's undercutting every other seller on the platform with a low price, then when you read the description it encourages you to leave eBay and shop on their site. Every seller with this item AND eBay looses....but eBay DOES NOT CARE nor do the enforce their rules.
10-29-2020 06:48 AM
I run into this problem in my searches.My opinion is you will just get exasperated trying to convince a CSR that they should care.Some may aggree with you but then tell you they do not have the tools to do anything about it.
I have aslo heard that if you sell the same thing that you comlain about then they will not take you serious because your tying to knock out the competition.
I have been complaining about things for 20 years and nothing gets done
the policy states you cant do it.......................the reality is different
ebay says you can have a phone number now so why not an email address to handle customer service
10-29-2020 07:19 AM
eBay may not take action if there is only one user complaining unless there is a particularly blatant or severe policy violation, but if multiple independent reports are received, action becomes more likely.
I was able to find three listings that matched your description and reported each for either avoiding eBay fees or offering to buy or sell outside eBay.
10-29-2020 07:20 AM
Driving intoxicated is illegal and dangerous yet every day millions of people get behind the wheel of their car and they are either drunk or some kind of impaired from a mind altering drug, very few get caught, but if you and I do it then it is a problem.
Go figure.
And what have I learned in life from all of the above lessons?
I can only keep my side of the street clean, and that is not always easy.
Good luck to you.
10-29-2020 09:56 AM
@mountain_subdivision_hobbies_modelrrsupply wrote:Every seller with this item AND eBay looses
On the other hand, every seller who reads those listings now knows exactly what price it takes to be competitive 🙂
10-29-2020 11:34 AM
How did you find the listings?
I purposely didn't specify the website address or the items - Funny thing is that if I posted the item numbers, seller ID, or links eBay would shut down and delete this thread (But let the listings with violations stand! 😡)
10-29-2020 11:47 AM
I did a search for the exact text, but split the quote into two separate parts before and after the anonymized domain name.
"Please visit " ".com for better prices"
Searching title & description turned up five results, three of which were in the Toys & Hobbies section. There is currently one other seller with a similarly worded description pointing to a different domain.
11-01-2020 10:11 AM
So finally someone at eBay took the time to actually see the violation and remove the listings...then today I got an email from eBay advertising the items were available again....WITH THE SAME EXACT DESCRIPTION AND LINK TO THE OFF EBAY WEBSITE......SMH
11-01-2020 10:29 AM
If the old listings were removed for a violation, the seller is risking suspension by relisting. A seller with a previous listing removal typically faces greater scrutiny, and increasing penalties for new infractions.
11-01-2020 10:31 AM
@eburtonlab wrote:eBay may not take action if there is only one user complaining unless there is a particularly blatant or severe policy violation, but if multiple independent reports are received, action becomes more likely.
Well, yes and no... back when that large toy retailer with the giraffe mascot was listing here, practically all the name-brand toys they were listing here included a direct link to their own website for buyers who wanted to buy more related toys of that brand.
Despite numerous conversations in the Weekly Chat about how that practice was directly undercutting eBay's income, the official response to that was glacial... very little interest in following up on that abuse until it was removed. I'm not certain that it ever was.
11-01-2020 10:36 AM
11-01-2020 10:38 AM
11-01-2020 10:40 AM
11-01-2020 11:02 AM
Another interesting angle to this subject is that some sellers are actually willing to risk and jeopardize their selling rights on Ebay while clearly and knowingly violating the venue's policies and trying to sell to buyers directly while eliminating Ebay from the equation.
Maybe those sellers are so desperate and can't make any profit on Ebay who forces them to increase their prices which leading them to become even less attractive to potential buyers?
The bottom line is that the venue has been reaching deeper and deeper into the sellers pockets.
to the point that some sellers are willing to take that risk instead of being forced to increase their Promoted Listings money giveaway to the venue (on top of the subscription fees, FVF's etc')
I am not justifying this behavior, it is Ebay's playground and they write the rules.
Just trying to think out loud here.
11-02-2020 02:16 PM - edited 11-02-2020 02:17 PM
(buyselljack2016) Your point with the link?