05-01-2024 07:09 AM
Not sure why Ebay doesn't require/provide the sellers shipping location before buying/bidding. Not everyone wants to wait 2 or 3 weeks for an item to clear China.
05-01-2024 07:14 AM
If you click on their seller ID, it usually gives you the sellers location. However, many of these sellers are not always honest with us. Just sayin....
05-01-2024 07:15 AM
eBay does require sellers to post the location of their items.
eBay can't police whether or not it's correct, they rely on buyers reporting location misrepresentation.
Also buyers need to check where the seller is registered, it will give you a clue. Example: seller is registered in China, item located in Florida....hmm...the seller is either drop shipping or lying about the location...when I see that I hit the back button and look elsewhere..... no brainer there.
05-01-2024 07:16 AM
I never buy from a seller when it tells me two to three weeks before arrival.
I know, you know and USPS knows they are slow. eBay hasn't figured that out yet and does not properly reflect how long it will take to get an item.
But, if eBay is saying 2 - 3 weeks, you can bet the seller is in China or the item is coming from China.
05-01-2024 07:36 AM
It's there. You have to be proactive and look for it.
05-01-2024 07:41 AM
Reading feedback can help. Sometimes a buyer will post something about where the seller is from.
05-01-2024 08:11 AM
It's right there on every listing page. Right below your shipping settings on one of your items, I see this:
Doesn't prevent people from lying, but buyers can report that and the seller can end up in big trouble, including being removed permanently from eBay, if they misrepresent the item location.
12-16-2024 06:49 AM
eBay can have the seller location clear
They don’t because of losing sellers
it is intentional to fool buyers
Why USA shipping address for Chinese Sellers because they can ship item from depot and USPS pays final leg