08-12-2023 01:57 AM
I was going to shut up and leave, but since you antagonize me,
I will post some more. The black eye is earned.
The other day I posted about how search and listing defaults
always want to be initially dodgy about item location, and make
you scroll down the page to click "US Only" each and every time
you do a new search or list.
Well, it is my understanding that this place is always trying out
different formats for things and one person might see something
different than another.
Did you see the recent change? The thing we used to have to scroll
down the page for, is gone! It is replaced by some combo boxes
and a "more filters" link at the top of the list, an improvement?
Let's find out. Item Location isn't one of the combo boxes.
That would be too easy. No! Item Location is now BURIED under the
more filters link! What used to take 1-click, now takes 4-clicks!
Thank you, sir, may I have another
Painfully obvious.
08-12-2023 02:10 AM
I mean, I don't mind. Rants give me some amusement. 🍿
08-12-2023 04:51 AM
@the-metal-formula wrote:That would be too easy. No! Item Location is now BURIED under the
more filters link! What used to take 1-click, now takes 4-clicks!
This is what I saw 5 minutes ago when I searched for "Shirt":
So what you are seeing does not appear to be universal.