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$$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

🙂  hey hey hey!

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge!


Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board in 2003.


Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt.

We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.

Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!


Last month's thread here!

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119 REPLIES 119

Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Well Dtex, seems ebay scrubbed a post.  Maybe it will show up in a couple of days as a dup.  Here is what it said...

Breeze is now showing Fedex first at 46.98, followed by Priorit at 86.20 and then Parcel at 63.64.

Mareenis the same skowing Fedex first at 46.98.



Message 106 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018


Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 107 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Dtex, dimensional weight is a killer, alright. I'm east and see what Pat sees.

Sun, hope crop prices go up for you. On the news farmers are mentioned among those that will be effected by the new tariffs.

M*M, brakes could be as simple as air in the lines (maybe) but leaking out the front doesn't sound good. Hope it's something minor.

I was a smidge surprised at the outcome of BB. I thought Ty would take the prize. During the questions it sounded like some of the "others" were leaning toward him, but I'm okay with it. I like Kaycee. She played a good game. It was an excellent season. I read the exit interviews (Ty, KC, JC) on EW (entertainment weekly) they were good. It was the best season in a long time. It's interesting how many showmances become permanent.

Message 108 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Mornin' All Hi Kay. the leak was still from the brake line, just way up front under the ABS "part"? I know what ABS means but no clue what it looks like, and the idiot light has been coming on and off for quite awhile but they've told me before and this time as well, That means NOTHING.  Maybe for this particular issue it did 'mean something'...anyway, he originally said he replaced the whole line, guess not so hopin' he's paying for his neglect. xxx more fingers and toes! Anyway, got the car home yesterday, and he said I should never have another problem with it. Yeah was hoping Tyler won so he and his new love could have a great start! Swaggy...major pass on that dude but I guess he's less egotistical in real life. Good for them. She's adorable but that rant she went on was completely hysterical. Lost it big time. Fessie and Hayleigh...I doubt that will last! She's what, 21? I think there is a great disparity in intellectual or mental equality.

I woke to a nice sale this morning, sold a penny for $60...had listed before awhile back but needed the $$, was marked $90 something but it wasn't Steve's writing, so he bought it from someone else, for how much, who knows! Listed a lot of nickels yesterday and have a bunch of coins sitting here waiting for pics. I was exhausted yesterday by noon just doing one lot, lol. Ellen wanted me to go to an estate sale with her out of town and I passed. She cannot resist an estate sale advertising toys and runs around more than I do by FAR, at 81. 😛

Message 109 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Hoping Keith Ellison goes down in FLAMES soon, running for AG in MN. UGH.
The dog and pony show with the congressional committee is crazy because it highlights the typical double standard democrats live and serve by. Keith Ellison is a proven abuser, but the dems so far are a group of hypocrites, with their ignorance, "look the other way and MOVE ON" regarding Ellison, never mind Bill Clinton!! It's insane. I couldn't be more disgusted.
Message 110 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

@mississippi*mercantile wrote:
Hoping Keith Ellison goes down in FLAMES soon, running for AG in MN. UGH.
The dog and pony show with the congressional committee is crazy because it highlights the typical double standard democrats live and serve by. Keith Ellison is a proven abuser, but the dems so far are a group of hypocrites, with their ignorance, "look the other way and MOVE ON" regarding Ellison, never mind Bill Clinton!! It's insane. I couldn't be more disgusted.

...careful,  careful there.

Message 111 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

M*M, nice sale on the penny.
Since you have the car back already hopefully that means there will be no bill to follow. Which there shouldn't be since he replaced the lines and that's where the leak came from.

We went west to a couple town wide sales along the Delaware River. It was a ride and didn't amount to much, but it's a nice day and stopped at a farm market and the Amish market on the way home. Got half a cherry pie (his) and half a pecan pie (hers) plus some fresh corn and apples. Apples at the grocery store have been super expensive and look like carp, so I'm looking forward to orchard fresh.

I also picked up a Lenox chipmunk, not worth much but cute. I might keep it awhile. And two Christmas ornaments. I paid a buck each which is way over budget but I liked them and will keep them unless I find they are worth at least ten times that. I'll take some pics tomorrow, or monday.

DD will be stopping by this afternoon. Always nice to see her.
I might go take a catnap till she arrives.
Message 112 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

So, this recovery thing is a slow process. Hospitalized overnight earlier this week with AFib that wouldn't smooth out. While there, the local cardiologist visited and said I was a lucky guy. Said my lactic acid level upon admission after the chopper ride was 13. That's evidently a big number.

Battery in the car died. $179.00 for a replacement.

Son visited from Idaho - that was a blessing.

Message 113 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Multaq medicine for AFib. Works well for me anyway. Is beyond expensive. Just a thought there Kyal. Glad son could visit.

Sure hope that fixes your brakes for good there MM. Great on that sale.

Kay great you could get out to a different place and see some garage sales. Always good to go new places. Great your DD is going to visit. Nice when they come to see you.
Message 114 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Hi Kyal. So great your son came to visit. Sorry for the setbacks. I have Afib and lactic acid up on a page here, I'm always looking for details! ... at a glance looks like a lot of monitoring is in order. Hope you/they find relief!
Just got back from Ellen's. She took me to pick up my car yesterday but was just leaving town so I had to chase her down lol. If I walked down there it would take me an hour. Too time consuming.
So I told her I'd clean her fridge out for her, just got back from that. What a mess, threw out a BUNCH of icky sticky stinky old food.
She bought me a trimmer, manual kind for going along the drive/curb etc, and a hoe, and gave me a BUNCH of candy molds...just plastic so that's what I wanted to do to repay her and it sure needed doing.
Thanks for the $ale Kudos girls!
That was the only sale I've had in two weeks....probably already spent it on other things.
Not real motivated today to list more -just threw up some more coins FWIW. I have plenty more to do!

Hi to SUN.
Glad you had a nice day out Kay and a DD visit bonus!
Message 115 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

I guess I don't know anything about the lactic acid to do with AFib. Hope things get better Kyal.

Pat and Patd hope all is well. Some of those storms for both of you did not look good on the radar on the weather channels.
Message 116 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Glad your med works good for you, Sun!
We had a downpour yesterday, ew...chilly and nasty, better than "that white stuff" like Laurie always used to say. I sure miss our political banter. I think of her so often.
That buyer I had about 20 days ago e'd me yesterday and wondered why his "ebay account" wasn't credited the $25 I offered so they wouldn't send it back. it more than likely would have been wrecked(I'm a super picky packer lol). Woke up to that this morning. I said Oh yes it was, credited to PayPal. (20 days ago) Guess he never thought to look there. So I went to pp and copied the transaction and sent. I don't even think he's really a guy due to some of 'his' comments and other things bought. No coins, women's stuff. (you can usually tell from coinies ID's that's what they sell for the most part) Maybe shares the ID with a woman or he's a woman LOL. After giving him a little more info on the item, I asked him what his intention was in buying a rare set of "mini coins" (that was the main complaint, the coins were so "Puny") he said, so I asked what his intention was in buying (and as mentioned before, my fault for not including SIZE)...He said he really wasn't interested that they were sterling, but just wanted to see what all the presidents wives 'looked like' I thought that was weird, for starters. Never left fb, neither have I. hahah and I'm not gonna. Even with my discount and taking the offer, h/she got a 50 dollar deal. So phhhhhhtttt that. I'm out. At least the light went on when I told him he had a refund in PP.
Message 117 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

Well that buyer sounds like a canidate for the old blocked list. Sorry MM. Love it when people buy things they know nothing about. So the size surprises them. Never understand not researching what you know nothing about?
Message 118 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018

That was my first thought too Sun. ...that h/she had no clue what they were buying. then writes me with crocodile tears saying how disappointed s/he was....
If someone told me i was getting a refund, I'd go look after even one day. Too simple I guess.

Supposed to be a lot warmer here tomorrow. I need to blow some leaves around the back yard soon. More Falling! Lots, gonna be raining leaves soon and I want to see if I can keep up.
Later! Manana!

Message 119 of 120
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Re: $$$ Scrounge Lounge $$$ Harvesting Sales for September 2018