02-09-2022 07:54 AM
Totally love the new listing features on eBay, but since this roll-out almost no sales - and even more concerning is very few views. Not sure what is going on here.
08-09-2022 11:34 AM
its all about pushing promoted items in my opinion...
09-02-2022 06:15 AM
**bleep** is going on here?? I thought this was something wrong with my individual account, but now after Googling it I come to find out that there are much more people with the same problem. I've gotten to the point where I'm so desperate, barely homeless and have had to starve (literally) and fall way behind on ALL my bills so decided to just post everything at 99 cents throwing "Hail Mary's" just to get back afloat. I have very expensive items that are worth in the hundreds and a few individual items that top $1,000+ just for 99 cents and really nothing is getting views!! Here and there I have 1 watcher and no fkn views?? I'm so confused and so freaking scared 😬 I used to post dumb sh*t, garbage actually found in pails at 99 cents and they used to shoot up and sell for prices I'd never think it'd reach. Please tell me what's going on, why am I not getting any views, and have had to relist expensive stuff multiple times at 99 cents to finally get a sale. I've lost thousands lately and am probably going to be moving into a shelter real soon!!
09-06-2022 09:10 AM
I really think eBay has somehow by changing the way our items are viewed is somehow blocking buyers from seeing our listings, never since I been selling have I seen a decline in views, watchers and sales as now, and during the Pandemic my sales were fine . Thank you
09-06-2022 10:06 AM
I find the new listing tool is more time consuming. And full of more technical issues.
09-10-2022 05:08 AM
EBAY pushing promoted items.... we ALL have seen a decrease or virtual elimination of views on our account. Is there any surprise that these changes are also showing a decrease in EBAY stock price over time. People do not want to pay more than before, and by forcing them to promote more items than before, means, little to no money being made. PLUS+++ BIDEN adminstration implemented the $600 earning reporting threshold that EBAY and others have to adhere to now, and we small time sellers now have to be accountants, keeping records of sales and recall original purchase prices to offset gains or prove losses so we do not get taxed.
EBAY NEEDS to change this stuff immediately. what appears to be prompted by elminating "bot" views, seems to be a guise for paying more promoted. Similary, Disney World in Orland eliminated the "FREE" shuttle express from the airport to the Disney resort.. They promoted it as, "NOW customers have more options to get to the resorts", but we now have to pay $150-$250 out of pocket.
*** Things will get worse...
09-10-2022 06:14 AM
Disney World in Orland eliminated the "FREE" shuttle express from the airport to the Disney resort.. They promoted it as, "NOW customers have more options to get to the resorts", but we now have to pay $150-$250 out of pocket.
Cant help you there as everyone i know has stopped doing any type of Business with Disney. We all make choices as to whats important in our lives.
09-17-2022 08:18 AM
the same here. I am constantly listing items and every day I look at the VIEWS. Basically they are all zero, however, I work during the day, and I use the seller APP on my phone. When It's slow, I send offers to try and trigger sales. Many of the items with zero views are on the watch list and in the cart, obviously, because I can send an offer. In any case, my sales are way down since the change. I pay for a subscription, YET, eBay wants me to pay ever more for traffic. I refuse. It seems to be a waste of time these days. I will simply put in more hours on my other job!
09-17-2022 01:16 PM
We've been selling on eBay for 20+ years. The past 4-5 months sales have been the WORST we've ever experienced.
Also, items views went off the cliff a few months ago. We've noticed an approximate 90% reduction in views per item, on average. It's obvious that whatever changes eBay implemented played a significant part in destroying sales for many Sellers.
11-29-2022 02:45 AM
SAME HERE! Also a long time seller. I've never had buy it now listings sit for MONTHS with NO views. Sales are down too. I started looking at the Promote tool. They are charging a percent of the sales to "sponsor" a listing to get the views. Looks like they are trying to get a bigger profit.
12-24-2022 05:28 AM
Nothing new under the sun in my 22+ years selling on this site. SOS ~ eBay has their collective craniums firmly stuck up their derrieres. Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth!
12-25-2022 08:15 AM
Ebay NEEDS to just pay up and hire some real quality tech help that understands what is going on- the "lets just try this and see what happens" method is reckless and is proving destructive to the platform.
With every update and "new technology they implement- views and sales plummet further..... its no coincidence.
The search is so erratic and irrelevant - its a miracle that anyone ever finds what they are looking for!
The search has been programmed to ignore 90% of the keywords you type and instead show listings from promoted listings that keyword spam the item specifics with hundreds of "words".
EBAY- just throw out EVERYTHING you think you know about search algorithms and AI and just show us what we type in the search box- SALES WILL SKYROCKET as people are connected with exactly what they were looking for!!!!!!!.....
Ever notice how you will search on ebay and you get 1 result or none? then you go to google and it shows you literally 20 active ebay items that exactly match your search?!!!!!!! it completely insane that ebay's search wont show relevant listings onsite.... what are we paying ebay for?- to show nonsensical results of only promoted listings?
EBAY- the SEARCH is the golden ticket- just fix it and the platform will grow again
12-26-2022 07:10 AM
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