02-09-2022 07:54 AM
Totally love the new listing features on eBay, but since this roll-out almost no sales - and even more concerning is very few views. Not sure what is going on here.
05-27-2022 04:54 AM
Anyone figure out for sure why this is happening? I hate the new listing feature too - but it didn't stop me from listing the same amount as before (just more frustrating clicking) in fact since the sales drop off, I've been listing more to try to sustain the store / get more views & sales. But still sales are down over 50% easily, and the views graph is BAD. And it's at a new consistent low. I get that people have gone back to brick-and-mortal store shopping, but I see no reason for THIS level of drop off. Or at least, there has to be something else going on as well. Anyone with insights would be much appreciated DM me.
05-27-2022 06:25 AM
This happens every time that ebay updates its systems or makes major changes. It is a mystery to me as well- I dont know of any other platforms that practically fall apart when they do IT maintenance. Its as if they cant fix the code without shutting off the majority of the search results or something. Its odd but completely noticeable and trackable. We have listing next to nothing since the new tool came out last month because of how bad it it to use on a desktop....I was thinking the sudden drop=off in listing was effecting our account but maybe not- it was like a light switch- used to sell 3-8 items a day 7 days a week and close to $20,000.00 / month........now we have had as much as 3 days in a row with zero or 1 sale and we are down to average $12,000/ month.
This is NOT buying trends or economy or the war in Ukraine...... This is a technical change that is preventing site sales. I honestly dont think the the ebay people understand what is happening- they just make changes to programming and hope for the best. Unintended consequences of not fully understanding what they are doing or just too much employee churn and its always a new person that doesnt know what the previous did.....or just fresh from college and literally has no real work or life experience. We have to pay the price.
05-27-2022 10:09 PM
Thank god I found this thread, thought I was going crazy! Sales way down, lowest they’ve been since I started essentially. But it isn’t the sales that bother me, it’s the lack of views. I’m fine being patient, but seems like I am running in place when the views are minimal. PLEASE fix ebay!
05-28-2022 12:07 AM
It may sound a little rediculous, BUT i just did this yesterday afternoon and ive seen an uptick in atleast views.
If your listings are promoted listings for more views, go in and take ALL promoted listing stuff off.
I did this yesterday cause i was having the wxact same issue and may not seem like much but most of my items got 1-2 views each.
Hope this helps. I actually found it burried deep within the comments on here took the suggestion used it and now just waitin on sales.
05-28-2022 06:28 AM
I have had the exact same results! I think that promoting items is actually detrimental. Think about it- if 1 person promotes their listing in 10,000, they will stand out BUT since ebay is pushing promoted so hard(it makes them a ton of money), and now 8,000 in 10,000 are promoted....... you will be better off in the 2000 non-promoted listings since your listing will only show up as organic search OR promoted. Its simple math----by promoting you become a small fish in a big ocean instead of a big fish in a small pond.
Also if you have taken notice to what ebay shows you as promoted listings when you search- you will quickly see the irrelevance of what their AI shows you- then think if it was your listing shown to people that searched for completely different items- they will not buy yours simply because its in front of them if they searched for a vintage mid century lamp and ebay shows 12 promoted Chinese replacement lamp cords or knock-off lamp shades...... Promoted listings has ruined the search and driven buyer dissatisfaction.
05-31-2022 02:06 PM
Same I called them which took forever and they said they would make a report and it’s a glitch but I haven’t sold anything when I used to sell a lot. I am confused.. and upset
05-31-2022 02:07 PM
How is it trackable? Ever since it says No views I haven’t sold anything when I used to a lot
05-31-2022 02:08 PM
I agree 100% same here!!!!
06-01-2022 04:44 AM
Still selling some but sales took a huge nose dive when they rolled out the listing tool change, and the new category and item specific changes and the new way to count views. It cannot be a coincidence
Most of my sales for the last month have been from sales and best offers- like pulling teeth.
One poster had a nice write-up with an explanation of how google changed something at the same time- probably ebay is scrambling to figure out what is wrong!
Unfortunately- ebay has spent years chasing the google algorithms with "item specifics" and we have seen a drop-off in traffic every year since. Now that the ebay search is so bad and wee need to go to google to find actual active ebay listings- we are at the mercy of whatever google does.
Instead of advertising and making ebay a destination site and building the platform up (like amazon)- we have a hobbled together, patched up mess that barely functions and get worse with every update!
I dont have the answer but it seems like if you invest in ebay and your sellers and actually show people what they search for the platform would grow again. You simply cannot deny that all other selling platforms are growing and ebay is shrinking......its not us it you ebay.... we have the product.... buyers want the product.....people buy the product where they can find it....your a tech company- figure it out- that's why we pay fees here-to bring in the traffic.
06-07-2022 08:03 PM
There is seriously something wrong. I have been buying and selling for years. Since the change, not only am I down 90%, the new listings are down are way down also. It is not a coincidence. Sales collapsed almost immediately. It was so obvious.
06-07-2022 08:10 PM
I buy bulk on eBay for years. Not only are my sales down about 90%, but I buy from other sellers in bulk, and they are not even listing anything new. It is that hopeless! They don't want to waste their time.
06-07-2022 08:15 PM
Makes no sense. I have sold items by the dozens and those items obviously got 100's of views. Some 1000's of views, now most of those items get 000000 views. Unless they bots were buying my items, this makes no sense. Bots or not, most of my items get no looks anymore.
06-07-2022 08:22 PM
It makes me believe that Ionne and executives are not even aware of the IT issue and so they have no clue where the drop in sales came from. If they knew that they are loosing due to website updates, theywould halt them.
06-07-2022 08:59 PM
The roll out of the new listing features just happens to coincide with STAGFLATION. I was listening to a very informative radio program today where they were discussing how peoples spending habits have changed DRASTICALLY post Covid crisis mode. Now IT’S post covid, Putin, poo poo, who is wrecking the economies of many nations. Do not blame it on the Ebay roll out. It’s just a rollin” with the punches.
06-07-2022 09:49 PM
Ebay cannot fix the economy and stagflation.