05-17-2017 11:17 AM - last edited on 05-17-2017 02:12 PM by dm_karen
MY advise to ALL Ebay seller is to NEVER put any expensive or heavy items for sale on Ebay due to rampant buyer abuse and fraudulent SNAD claims by buyers whom ebay ALWAYS rips the sellers off for. 15 YEARS HERE ON EBAY. And the buyer abuse has never been so bad as it is now that Ebay encourages, promotes, and facilitates the buyers abusing the sellers when they file fraudulent SNAD claims against a seller by Ebay rewarding a fraudulent claim with stealing the money out of your account. Most recently I had a buyer file a claim stating an item was defective, so as a good seller, who knows they have no choice but to accept the return, which I did. Upon receipt of the item, I immediately got it out of the package and took pictures of the item next to the returned package so it would prove there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with the item and that the buyer filed a fraudulent SNAD claim against me. I sent the buyer AND Ebay the pictures along with an explaination that this buyer simply lied and it was really just a buyers remorse claim instead. Ebay totally refunded this buyer my money and they had me pay for the return shipping label as well, wihch clearly rewarded and encourages this buyer to do this again. I did report this buyer, I did appeal the decision, and Ebay said that because I accepted the return that their decision is to side with a buyers fraudulent claim was fine. I said, that I had no idea there was NOTHING wrong with this item until it got back to me and saw there was nothing wrong with it. I took pictures to prove there is item is EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED and there is NOTHING defective about it what so ever. Ebay told me too bad.
I thank god every day I do business on Ebay that I REMOVED ALL my most expensive and very heavy(shipping) items for sale on Ebay just like most experienced good sellers do now, because if I had to loose that kind of money, it would be and extreme hardship, and not just food for the rescue horses that will have to wait because of fraudulent buyers that Ebay rewards with refunds out of the pocket of a horse rescue. Ebay customer service told me that they only believe what the buyers tell them, and totally disregard what the sellers state in any SNAD claim they get.
05-17-2017 11:20 AM
Thankfully you got your own item back, and still in the described condition.
FWIW. there is no way for ebay to discern whether the buyer or the seller is being truthful. As bad as it is when a seller gets cheated, it would be worse if eBay just took the seller's word.
05-17-2017 11:24 AM
I have been here 17 years and have some favorite sellers who have been here as long as me.
And I have definitely noticed they are not selling the expensive jewelry they used to. I asked one seller once who I had become friendly with, and he told me they can no longer take the chance.
I have already been ripped off once with a buyer destroying a $1000 piece of jewelry and know it could happen again. But fine jewelry is all I know, so I hold my breath and keep going know it will be "when" not "if" it will happen again.
05-17-2017 11:39 AM
05-17-2017 11:43 AM
05-17-2017 11:46 AM
@horsetackdiscounter wrote:
Would be worse if they took the sellers word ? ? What are you nuts ? It is NOT OK for Ebay to call me a liar ! I give PHOTO PROOF that the buyer is lying about a defective item and then Ebay rewards the buyer for abuse like this with a full refund plus return shipping cost. What is wrong with you ? YOU think this is OK ?
OMG calm down
no one is saying this is ok- they're saying that's just the way it is.
the venue will always choose the buyer over the seller.
aonce they closed the case after your buyer sent the item back they typically don't reverse the decision
05-17-2017 11:47 AM
@horsetackdiscounter wrote:
Any experienced seller knows they can no longer put any expensive or heavy(shipping cost) items on Ebay to sell. Way too many buyers abusing the return system on ebay. Ebay refuses to change SNAD cases into simple buyers remorse cases, which would solve this whole problem. Many times Ebay has told me they agree that the buyer did NOT have a SNAD case and it was simply buyers remorse, but that I had to accept the return anyway. This rewards the fraud everytime and Ebay knows this, their customer service reps. acknowledge this, and facilitates this fraudulent behavior .
Ebay is doing this to compete with the real world where a lot of stores have very generous return policies. Nordstoms does not even want to hear why you are returning it.
Yes, CS often times knows it is remorse, but since they do not see the item coming or going they cannot prove it. So they err on the side of the buyer.
05-17-2017 11:49 AM
@horsetackdiscounter wrote:
Would be worse if they took the sellers word ? ? What are you nuts ? It is NOT OK for Ebay to call me a liar ! I give PHOTO PROOF that the buyer is lying about a defective item and then Ebay rewards the buyer for abuse like this with a full refund plus return shipping cost. What is wrong with you ? YOU think this is OK ?
How is ebay to know that those are pictures of the item you sent or a duplicate item you have or a picture you got off the Net?
05-17-2017 11:51 AM
I've been on eBay since 1998. My steadfast rule is to never, never, never sell anything I'm not willing to give away. Sellers who have high priced items are taking a big chance, unless they got the item for nothing. The buyer is always right, just accept it and refund and let them keep the item so you don't compound the loss by paying return shipping and get a negative feedback.
05-17-2017 12:06 PM - last edited on 05-17-2017 02:21 PM by dm_karen
I am NOT Nordstorms, Walmart, I do this to support rescue horses. Do they ? So, because other big box stores accept fraudulent returns, its OK for Ebay to force sellers to accept fraud being shoved down our throats. You are trying to justify fraud, and its NOT working.
05-17-2017 12:07 PM
So, ebay is calling me and all sellers a liar ? Why would anyone want to sell on here ?
05-17-2017 12:11 PM
eBay has become a scammer's dream and has no interest at all in protecting sellers from dishonest buyers. So long as buyers are happy and eBay continues to get its 10% cut, the seller can either accept the losses until they go out of business, or they can simply stop selling on eBay. Either way, eBay knows there's no shortage of sellers who will continue to pay the game by their corrupt rules.
05-17-2017 12:11 PM - last edited on 05-17-2017 02:19 PM by dm_karen
After years and years on here, I have opened another shop elsewhere.
Ebay is good for some cheap things, but is completely scary with others.
And this isn't just returns. It's eBay and the buyers. I paid $ 200 for a heavy lead crystal vase and eBay thinks I should list it for $10 with make offer and include free shipping.
eBay tells people (maybe not in words, but actions) that they can lie, steal, cheat and offer 2% of your price.
05-17-2017 12:11 PM - last edited on 05-17-2017 02:23 PM by dm_karen
bonniemvf wrote:
I am NOT Nordstorms, Walmart, or Target, I do this to support rescue horses. Do they ? So, because other big box stores accept fraudulent returns, its OK for Ebay to force sellers to accept fraud being shoved down our throats. You are trying to justify fraud, and its NOT working.
The buyer does not care who you are or why you are here. He is paying you with the same money he is paying a big corporation, so he expects the same benefits.
And I would not be surprised if some newbies think we are all working under ebay, which is a big corporation. So no little guy is getting hurt.
Ebay is a business. It is not personal. They are doing what works for them. If it does not work for you, then maybe it is time to find a venue that does.
05-17-2017 12:13 PM
@horsetackdiscounter wrote:So, ebay is calling me and all sellers a liar ? Why would anyone want to sell on here ?
I never said that.
I just said that in a seller said / buyer said situation where they do not see the item, they are going to err on the side of the buyer.