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Rubbish authentication process


I am beyond angry!! I have been selling high value designer items on eBay for many years now. Last week I made a sell on a pair of designer trainers, I sent them off to the requested address which I then was told was the authentication centre. I thought this is great as I agree with making sure fakes are removed. I was  very surprised today to see that my trainers had failed authentication and that the money had been returned to the buyer and that my trainers were being returned to me. I thought that this could be because they were fakes and got angry enough to spend the next 30 minutes trying to find a contact number to actually speak to someone about this. When I finally managed to contact someone I asked why they failed and they said because there is a bit of dirt on them and it looks like they are worn!! I have NEVER put a incorrect description on a product, but much worse, have never suggested something is new when it is not. What really annoys me is that you are not allowed to contest this decision when I spoke to someone in the authentication team, I was told that the word of the authenticator is final and that this cannot be challenged.  I totally understand wanting to protect the buyer but to not allow you a chance to challenge is really too much. I have now been told that if I want to relist the trainers I have to relist them as worn which is totally stupid and to be honest makes me really consider going on other sites to sell my NEW items

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Rubbish authentication process

 Decide how to appropriately protect your interests & act accordingly

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Rubbish authentication process

Who is to say that the "spot of dirt" didn't get on them at the authentication center?

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
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Rubbish authentication process


Could have been damaged in transit or at the center...who knows? Bottom line...Ebay didn't authenticate them.  Not much you can do...perhaps sell them locally for cash.


Sorry for your situation. 

Message 4 of 5
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Rubbish authentication process

@obiahur0   yea, lots of complaints about the 'authentication' center process.


many online platforms to sell on, so go for it!


Good Luck!

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