08-10-2022 01:29 AM
I had a buyer request a refund because his item took too long to arrive it did arrive 2 days later amd ebay released the funds they had put on hold back to me the seller, the buyer then claimed item not as described and marked return to sender I never recieved the item cause there is postage due thats about double normal rates, so time was up for me to recieve the item back and ebay went ahead and instead of using the funds they have on hold they took my available funds and issued the buyer a refund. Now i still have the original amount still on hold. I am not sure how to proceed from this point. Any advice would be great
08-10-2022 11:42 AM
Did you accept the claim and send the buyer a return label through the claim? That would have been the appropriate steps to make. Then if the buyer didn't return the item, they would not have been refunded.
How did you expect the buyer to return the item if you had not cleared up whatever this postage due thing was? Ebay probably wondered the same thing, which is likely why they stepped in and forced the refund.
Yes when a refund happens, it come out of your available cash in your MP account. Your funds that are on hold should clear in 24-48 hours and be put back into your MP account. It should all work out.
08-10-2022 05:04 PM
The buyer was sent a label but he had already sent it back as return to sender so the label which I paid for is also money that I have in limbo, big loss on this item lost the item paid to ship it twice. I havent been selling long so this is all new to me seems risky if its as simple as they buyer changed their mind after the item was shipped.
08-10-2022 10:45 PM
@pandastreasures wrote:The buyer was sent a label but he had already sent it back as return to sender so the label which I paid for is also money that I have in limbo, big loss on this item lost the item paid to ship it twice. I havent been selling long so this is all new to me seems risky if its as simple as they buyer changed their mind after the item was shipped.
No. You aren't even charged for the label you issue during a return process until the buyer uses it. So if they never used it, you were never charged.
I'm going to give you some information that you should really review and get very familiar with. Part of your stress and assumptions of lost money come from not understanding the process.