05-11-2019 06:26 PM
I have been trying to report an item that is listed as an
"antique" and the seller has been informed (several times) that it is a reproduction. He took it off eBay once but has re-listed it, again as an antique. When I try to fill out the "report" form, it doesn't include the category listings that are appropriate for the infraction. Any suggestions? Thanks!
05-12-2019 03:01 PM
If you don't know you've been screwed, then you're not screwed
05-12-2019 03:02 PM
honestly, Im not trying to be snarky with you but its not your job to protect other buyers on Ebay. Are you familiar with the words 'caveat emptor', let the buyer beware? If you are smart enough to look this company up online, dont you think other prospective buyers are too?maybe you need to give them a little more credit. If they are not..again, thats what the MBG is for. Truly its not your job to police the auctions here.
05-12-2019 03:05 PM
You could report keyword spam, but... good luck with that. I've reported ivory time and time again; none of those are ever pulled even though selling ivory on Ebay isn't allowed and it's mostly illegal where I live. They don't remove tortoise items either.
They will however remove your cow bone item if you don't specify which species of cow it came from. True story - did it to me once.
Unless you can prove a copyright violation, reports from Joe/Josephine Sixpack seem to be a waste of keystrokes.
05-12-2019 05:04 PM
Thanks *so* much...finally...to a person who seems to be concerned with the problem I posted about! Most (but of course not all...and thank you to the people who did reply in a dignified manner) seemed not only not upset but not even mildly concerned that this happens on eBay and feel the need to waste their time posting unhelpful and unappreciated replies but *your* reply gives me hope that not everyone in this world is so jaded! And since a lot of you have sayings on the end of your posts, I will add my favorite (which I *try* to live by);
"Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." J M Barry Peace out!
05-12-2019 06:34 PM
@goombahcat wrote:The marking on the piece was faint but since I buy these types of items, I recognized it. So, when a seller is told about the authenticity of an item isn't it *their* "responsibility" to be honest?! I think I am done posting on this forum because it seems most (not all) of the people replying to my question spend too much time trying to "school" people and not providing actual solutions....and don't seem to really care about honesty.
The thing is, we all have our areas of expertise, but eBay does not. Thus it really boils down to you and the seller, and whether the seller knows it's a reproduction and chooses to not say so, or doesn't know it's a reproduction, in which case you can try to educate him. At that point he can either believe you or not. eBay is not going to get into the middle of that to determine who's right and who isn't.
Realistically, I think most sellers want to know what they're selling and are not planning to try to fool buyers, because that's probably not going to last long or end well. As soon as the buyer runs into someone who points out what the seller is hoping the buyer will not find out, the buyer may come back to try and return the item, or otherwise make life difficult for the seller.
In your case, it sounds like the seller is either determined to sell a reproduction without saying so, or simply didn't believe you. Either way, one other point you might consider is that prospective buyers may also know the item, and thus it's going unsold because most people who are interested in that item (whatever it may be) have at least a passing knowledge of what they're looking at.
So what this all boils down to is caveat emptor, as someone else already said, but keep in mind also that most buyers are smart enough to avoid buying a reproduction. This situation will probably take care of itself.
05-12-2019 08:19 PM - edited 05-12-2019 08:20 PM
05-12-2019 08:28 PM
I see "vintage REO" pieces listed but no "antique REO" listings, is it still there?
05-13-2019 06:11 AM
@goombahcat wrote:So basically what you're saying is....."screw the buyers"? Thanks, that's really helpful....not!
No, I'm saying you're wasting your time.
If a buyer buys the item they have ebay's MBG if the item is not as described.