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Reinstating Saved Templates on the New Interface

I am a Power Seller with 100% feedback, and I have been selling on Ebay for several years since I retired from teaching. I am MOST unhappy that I am unable to access my SAVED TEMPLATES because of the new interface. I would LOVE to reinstate the Saved Template feature because it is extremely helpful in listing the items I sell. I sell many sets of books with up to 20 or 30 titles, and it saves a tremendous amount of time when I create my listings. I hope someone from Ebay will reply to me with a response as soon as possible. It is my hope that you will be able to reconnect me with my saved templates as I spent many hours creating them. Thank you, in advance, for any help you are able to give. 

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Re: Reinstating Saved Templates on the New Interface

I had same issue last year and an ebay supv tech who understood this did in fact reinstate my saved listing templates to my account, but they only stayed there until ebay's next update of its listing tools, then they disappeared again! Really annoying, more so because very few ebay techs familiar.


Had discussion with ebay concerning reason for disappearance of our saved listing templates..... all techs dont understand this issue but supv techs seem aware that ebay scuttles old saved templates every time they update the listing tools because everyone's saved listing templates were usually created with different, now obsolete listing tools and ebay thinks forcing use of the new listing tools is better than using our old saved templates created with old listing tools?.......go figure.

Anyway, as has already been disclosed, you can just go to the secret ebay ManageTemplates link [ ] to both see and use your old saved listing templates, if you can remember to do that.
Not the simplest solution but at least we found them!

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Re: Reinstating Saved Templates on the New Interface

Thank you SO VERY MUCH for your response. It was quite informative and very helpful. I will be trying to "relocate" my saved templates this weekend! Thanks again for taking the time to share!

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