08-23-2024 02:37 PM
so buyer , 6 days after delivery , asks for a refund , I offer a partial refund -$1
why minus $1 you ask ???? , because it's a $1 bill , which I said , rather politely he could just spend and he has all of his money back
thoughts , comments etc.
08-23-2024 02:38 PM
I think it's drama over $1 that isn't worth.
08-23-2024 08:47 PM
I seldom get these but when I do I simply offer a full refund with return of the item. I am not going to encourage bad buyer behavior by offering a partial refund. A lot of buyers will phish to try and reduce their costs. In most cases I never hear from the buyer again.
08-23-2024 11:18 PM
Why would you do that? That encourages buyers to do this with other sellers too. If they can get you just to issue them a refund. It is something I do only in an extreme circumstance. What did they say was the problem?
Why do you do auctions that start at a penny? You lose money on every transaction that doesn't get bid up. IMHO you should never start an auction for less than your break even amount. I'm not into paying my buyers to purchase my items.
08-24-2024 09:10 AM
HI , I've started sports cards at a penny , just to hopefully move them ,I hate throwing things out , and to get eyes on my other sports cards.
I did list $1 bills for a penny , with shipping that made me a small profit , with the same hope , to get eyes on other bills.
always with enough shipping ---probably a failed experiment but , that doesn't mean people should buy stuff and not pay
the buyer in this post did buy 2 bills so obviously he was fine with the other bill , getting a full refund that the buyer makes a profit on is IMO wrong on principle, $1 or $500
maybe I'm just getting cranky in my old age
08-24-2024 10:31 AM
HI , I've started sports cards at a penny , just to hopefully move them ,I hate throwing things out , and to get eyes on my other sports cards.
I did list $1 bills for a penny , with shipping that made me a small profit , with the same hope , to get eyes on other bills.
always with enough shipping ---probably a failed experiment but , that doesn't mean people should buy stuff and not pay
the buyer in this post did buy 2 bills so obviously he was fine with the other bill , getting a full refund that the buyer makes a profit on is IMO wrong on principle, $1 or $500
maybe I'm just getting cranky in my old age
I never start things at $.99 but I do often have things I want to get rid of or clear out of inventory. Most of those items came as extra items in large lots that I have bought. I simply bundle these into a large lot and set a reasonable price. I saves me on using up my listing allotment, possibly saves the shipping cost to the buyer and reduces the time I need to pack and ship things.
I suspect some buyers purchase the items and take what they need out of the lot and then resell the rest either as a reduced lot or they have the time to deal with the individual listings.
08-24-2024 11:27 AM
@bigwhiteg wrote:HI , I've started sports cards at a penny , just to hopefully move them ,I hate throwing things out , and to get eyes on my other sports cards.
I did list $1 bills for a penny , with shipping that made me a small profit , with the same hope , to get eyes on other bills.
always with enough shipping ---probably a failed experiment but , that doesn't mean people should buy stuff and not pay
the buyer in this post did buy 2 bills so obviously he was fine with the other bill , getting a full refund that the buyer makes a profit on is IMO wrong on principle, $1 or $500
maybe I'm just getting cranky in my old age
I was ONLY talking about your pricing, I said nothing about it justifying the buyer not paying, trying to get a partial refund or wanting to return an item. It was a question, not a justification for buyers misbehaving.
Do you have a Store? If so, what level?
08-24-2024 11:29 AM
IMHO Penny starting prices and 99 cent starting prices where things from decades ago that seemed to work for sellers. Over the years that has changed as costs go up. IMHO it isn't beneficial to the seller to sell anything below the cost of the item for Ebay fees, shipping and cost of the product itself.