10-26-2021 10:26 AM
SELLERS, BEWARE ISSUING REFUNDS! I just became aware of eBay's unfair managed payments accounting procedures regarding refunds to buyers. Recently I arranged to refund the ship cost to a buyer and immediately initiated the transaction. eBay's computers were quicker on the draw as they took the commission and other costs from the total amount which included the ship cost, MONEY WHICH I DID NOT RECEIVE, then deducted the refund amount from the next scheduled payout. In eBay's eyes, a sale is a sale. What you do after the fact is your problem and it will cost you. PICTURE THIS SCENARIO. You refund a buyer for what ever reason to the tune of say $500. eBay will take ALL commissions on that amount, then deduct the refund from future payouts. RESULT. you just paid a lot of commission money on money not received.
10-26-2021 10:30 AM
eBay doesn't refund fees on a partial refund.
10-26-2021 11:41 AM
seems a little unfair right ?
10-26-2021 11:46 AM
No it doesn't. Ayden gets paid for handling your money. Just because you refund doesn't mean they should do it for free. Be glad they don't charge you for handling the refund.
10-26-2021 12:06 PM
Whether or not you 'just became aware' of it, this is how it works. We empathize.
Yes, the FVFs are charged on the total sale, and FVFs aren't credited on partial refunds.
10-26-2021 12:12 PM
10-26-2021 12:14 PM
It has noting to do with MP, Ebay has never refunded fee's on a partial refund.