10-17-2019 08:27 AM
I ran a promotion on all of my listings at the medium range ad rate. I can see in search that some of the items are showing up on the first page sometimes - bottom of first page - but so far has not helped - Had 1 click and I think it may have been me ??
10-18-2019 01:31 PM
I don't click on promoted listings. Not here, not anywhere. I consider them spam. I don't want to see "pay to play" search results, I want to see organic search results (no matter how borked those results may be here on Ebay lol)
10-18-2019 02:02 PM
I say those ad blockers are doing a lot more damage than ebay wants to admit. I know from looking at my analytics on youtube alone, I can see that 60% to 70% of all our views are ad blocked. On some days its as much as 90%. If they're blocking ads there, they're blocking ads here too.
The promoted listings are also reliant on any traffic that is already here, which is slim to none because ebay is too greedy to advertise.
10-18-2019 02:41 PM
I am going to test the ad blocking theory. I've picked a handful of listings that have been excellent sellers for me in the past but have dropped off sharply as of late, and turned promoted listing OFF. I will report back if I see a difference...
10-21-2019 09:01 PM
@cathydale wrote:In reply to the person who thinks it is the economy slowing individual sales -- I believe it is an influx in other sellers flooding the site now that the Holidays are approaching. There is just so much stuff on Ebay right now that they can't show it all - all of the time. We just have alot more listings to compete against. I think the economy is doing great - Can't blame this one on Trump - LOL
I agree that there is so much listed + a broken search engine is not helping matters...
...I'll leave the politics out of this