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Promoted Listings ebay message

I received a message from ebay, I don't know if it came to me alone or to everyone.

Does that mean that you can't add more promoted lists by paying a few dollars like I do now?

the message says this


Soon you’ll be able to use Promoted Listings Standard for your auction and fixed price items

Starting April 15, 2024, Promoted Listings Express will no longer be available. Instead, you’ll be able to promote auction and fixed price listings using one of our other products, Promoted Listings Standard. This high-performing advertising solution has many great features that will help you create more impactful campaigns.

Only pay for sales. Instead of paying up front, you’ll only pay when you make a sale on an auction or fixed price item.

Simple setup. Get started in just a few clicks.

Reach more buyers. Stand out from the crowd with listings in prominent ad placements.

Powerful results. Use reports to monitor your performance and optimize your listings.

Message 1 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I do list on Sundays usually. 

Social media -most of the jewelry Facebook groups I'm in prohibit sales posts of any kind.  There are a couple that allow them and I've posted links to my current auctions (and selected BIN's) there, but I'm not sure it helped at all, or if there is even a way to know.  The closest I've come is starting the post by saying "Exclusive offer for members. If you buy, tell me you saw this ad in ________ (group) and I'll refund ____ off your purchase" -never had a taker for that.  

But this surprises me even more: I used to offer 15% off to all repeat buyers (with a coupon code) and I did it for over a year.  Only got ONE buyer who used it, and she used it repeatedly so that was good, but other than her, nobody.  And 15% is a lot!!    I think what makes it ineffective is that if the buyer wants to use it, well first of all they have to REMEMBER they've bought from me before and that I gave them a coupon, and then they have to dig to find the code.   -You know how if you view a listing of a seller you've bought from before, how it says that right on the listing page?  Well it sure would be nice if they could also program that in alignment with repeat buyer discounts!  Then they wouldn't have to remember, and seeing the difference in cost right on the page would be an instant "Ooo!" factor.  

The only one of your suggestions I haven't tried is anything involving "newsletters" or "subscribers".  Honestly I don't even know what any of that means, lol.  Are subscribers the same thing as people who added me to their Saved Sellers, or is it a whole other thing?  

Message 46 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@valueaddedresource wrote:

@gurlcat wrote:

Ooo!  Here's something I'll be very curious to see -whether the % rate is editable after the first bid is placed.  I understand why so many other listing features are locked at that point, but changing how visible the listing is wouldn't change anything that factored into already-bid'ers' decisions to bid or how much.  

Well, POOP, but then I guess the algorithm would have to be programmed to charge the seller according to the rate applied when the winning bidder ....BLARRR!  I DON'T KNOW!  I JUST HATE THIS SO MUCH!!  🤣

@gurlcat just from what was said in the eBay Ads blog, it sounds like the plan is for the most part it's going to work very much like it does for Fixed Price BIN as far as attribution, which would make sense since you'll be able to include both auction and fixed price in the same campaign if you use the Simple option so  they would have to keep that relatively consistent.




So, to keep it simple, for your auctions in PL Standard, if you change the rate while the auction is running, it should be based on last click attribution just like for fixed price. 


For Direct sales, we measure the 30-day sales attribution window from the click closest to the sale and charge the ad rate in effect at the time of that last click.


For Halo Item sales, you will only be charged an ad fee if the purchased item is in an active Promoted Listings Standard campaign at the time of the sale, and you will be charged the ad rate of the sold item.

The ad fee for Halo Item sales will be calculated based on the ad rate in effect for the sold item at the time of the sale.


Direct sale example 1: A buyer clicks your item before you revise the ad rate and purchases it after your revision.


When a buyer clicks on your promoted listing before you revise the ad rate but purchases the item after you revise the ad rate, you will be charged the ad rate before you revised it.


Direct sale example 2: A buyer clicks and purchases your item after you revise the ad rate.

When a buyer clicks on your promoted listing after you revise your ad rate and purchases the item, you will be charged the updated ad rate that is active at the time of the sale.

So just to make sure I'm not mistaken, is a BIN the same as a "Direct Sale"? (never heard anyone use that term before).

Assuming 'yes' oh man, that is a lot to digest.  But still helpful, so thank you.  

And assuming the answer is 'yes' to whether the ad rate will be editable throughout the auction (including the ability to turn it completely off or start it at any point), I'm thinking on it, and man is it complicated!  See, first there's the factor of proxy bidding, and the fact that a bidder can make a new bid after their proxy bid has been surpassed, etc.  -But I think it's probably safe to  assume the ad rate of a winning bidder is whatever the rate was when they first clicked on the listing, right?  

Okay, so one thing that makes auctions and BIN's is very different is the best time to view them.  Not saying all buyers do like me, but I will typically do a search where I refine by BIN's only, and sort those results by Newly Listed, because that's the best way to find underpriced items (before someone else sees them and snatches them up) -talking strictly OOAK items of course; for multiple quantity items then of course sorting by lowest price is the way.  So then after I've gone a page or two of new listings, I'll start over and do a 'Auctions only' and sort those by the opposite timeframe, Ending Soonest, so I can try to snipe wins.  

Again, I won't assume that all buyers use my tactics, but you can see how it's hard to decide whether there would be an advantage to starting/ending/increasing/decreasing promotion at any point during the auction.   I would be very curious to know how time remaining affects an auctions placements in Best Match by the way.  OH, and to this day I don't know (do you?) if an auction gets any kind of special treatment for being "Hot" beyond the little red letter badge, LOL.  Almost all mine do, but I never know if it makes them place more often in page spots or higher in Best Match searches or anyting.  

Ughhhh....... Me.  Brain.  Hurt.    And I'mma start a whole new reply about Halo, because that's a whole other can of hurt.  

Message 47 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@gurlcat  it's a Store feature that I honestly thought could be kind of cool for some sellers, but another one of those things that eBay hasn't done a great job of promoting or educating sellers how to use it to get the best results.


You can send newsletters through eBay to past buyers and/or people who follow you (512 of them according to your store profile 😊) and you can use it to showcase new or featured listings and include specific coupons for those who receive the newsletter.

Message 48 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@gurlcat  a Direct Sale just means the buyer interacted directly with that specific listing in a way that would make the ad fee apply (either clicking on the Sponsored/Promoted version of it in search or other placements or by clicking the heart to add to watch list on the Sponsored/Promoted version in search or other placements).


They only started calling it that last year when they introduced Halo attribution and had to have a name for the standard way it had always been before to differentiate it.


Halo Sales are where if a  buyer clicks on the Sponsored/Promoted version of one of your listings and then within 30 days clicks and buys a different one of your items that is also enrolled in a PL campaign, you will be charged the applicable ad fee for the item they bought even if they never actually interacted with the Sponsored/Promoted version of that listing.


Up to this point, Direct Sales could only be BIN just because it's only a thing in PL Standard and only BIN could be in PLS, but once auctions are allowed in PLS too, it will apply to them as well - it's a term for the ad fee attribution model, not having anything to do with the listing format, if that makes sense.


And no, it would not be based on the first click, it is based on the last click - so the rate you would be charged will be whatever it was the last time the buyer clicked on it before buying (or winning the auction).

Message 49 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@gurlcat if it helps your brain at all...based on all the information we have so far, I believe this will basically be the same as it works for BIN.


Forget all of the different buyer and seller actions that may or may not take place during the time the auction is running - at the end of the day, it will sell for $xx.xx winning bid and you'll pay x% as an ad fee on that final sale amount (item, shipping & tax), just like on whatever the final sale amount of a BIN sale is.


If you change the rate any time before the auction ends, it will very likely follow the same rules as BIN for what rate will apply to the sale.


The big question there is if you will be able to change the rate after there are bids (I personally can't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to as it doesn't change anything on the buyer side of things like editing a description or other info would do) and hopefully Devon will be able to provide confirmation on that or we'll all find out on the 29th.


Other questions as far as whether placement's will change depending on initial duration or time left or any other factors - I wouldn't expect to get a lot of detail on that, just like eBay doesn't really give us a lot of detail about ranking factors for placements with BIN...we might get some generalities but mostly it's a proprietary algorithmic thing that is very likely dynamic and constantly changing depending on many variables.


Just to save your sanity, my suggestion is spend the next 12 days thinking and planning for these ads to work pretty much just like the ones you are already using for BIN and then test/tweak from there once it's available and you get a look at what it looks like in the dashboard and how it will all actually work in practice.

Message 50 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

So, I just did some digging and tallying of my Solds history, and at this point I'm feeling almost silly for worrying so much about the additional money auctions will cost me.  Why?  Because it's looking like my bigger concern might be how much my BINS will cost me, due to frikkin HALO.  And I bet this isn't just a 'me' thing but any seller who does a combination of auctions and BINs, and promotes both.  

So check this out.  Out of my last 100 sales: 18 were auctions.  33 BIN's sold via promoted listings.  49 BIN's sold organically.   So if we toss out the auctions and look only at the BINs, I had to pay the ad rate for only 40% of those BIN items.  I say "only" without knowing if that's typical or not; I'd be very curious to know other people's ratios, but I suspect I might be rather "spoiled" in this regard.   All I know for sure is I'd rather pay it for 40% of my BIN's than 50 .... 60 ..... or more ..... and I think I have very good reason to suspect that number WILL rise, possibly dramatically, when this thing kicks in.  

Why?   Well here were a couple patterns I noticed while doing this tallying: 1. almost all the non-jewelry things I sold were by promoted listings.  2. An (eyeballed) majority of the jewelry sold by promoted listing were during weeks when I didn't run an auction.  What do these observations indicate?  -What I always suspected before, and a major reason I've always felt it wise to have at least one auction running: a lot of people who check out my auctions also check out the rest of my store, and that's where a good bit of my BIN sales come from.   In those cases my auctions served as free promotion, but they no longer will. 


Message 51 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@valueaddedresource  The thing with that provided example is, it only talks about promoted BIN clicks affecting promoted auctions, not the other way around.  It would be a real miracle if it's ONLY like that example said, but I really doubt that will be the case.  I think this thing is going to kick me in the nads and I don't even have nads.  

Message 52 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@gurlcat wrote:

@valueaddedresource  The thing with that provided example is, it only talks about promoted BIN clicks affecting promoted auctions, not the other way around.  It would be a real miracle if it's ONLY like that example said, but I really doubt that will be the case.  I think this thing is going to kick me in the nads and I don't even have nads.  

@gurlcat that's a great point. Yeah, I would definitely assume it will go both ways, not only like in that example and in that case unfortunately I think your concerns about what that will mean for your business  are likely valid.

Message 53 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message



Assuming you are right, and auctions have been driving FP sales (along with getting the auction sale), it might be best to start by running auctions with NO PL fee to see how they work, not only as to the bidding but also as to directing traffic to your FP items.

Message 54 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I will definitely watch what happens like a hawk, document what I discover, experiment with strategies, and share my findings, bad or more-bad as they may be. 

I'll tell you who I'm really sad for though: people who sell things with much tighter margins than mine.  If I buy a necklace for $10 and sell it for $300, the difference between paying zero and paying $21 for promotion still isn't devastating.  As it stands, I pay all my bills and have enough left over for sourcing more items and little pleasures here and there .... on a store that rarely has as many as 50 items listed at a time.  I really am SPOI-ULLED, so this change will just mean I'll need to work a little harder and list more items per week than I currently do.  Lord knows I have plenty of inventory just waiting.  But all the people whose inventory costs more ....ugh.  And all the ones who are already confused by auction v. BIN dynamics and promotion dynamics ....oh man I just want to pre-hug them for all the hurt on its' way.  

And maybe that's the (rather messed up) silver lining for me; maybe people less-equipped than I will flail enough to give me a new kind of advantage.   There's a Hebrew quote that has proven true for me so many times.  עם הצרות מגיעות ההזדמנות.  -With trouble comes opportunity.  

Message 55 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Yeah, complete **bleep** and nothing but a cash grab by eBay.  I rather pay the $1.99 to promote auctions that sell for several hundred dollars.

Message 56 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Actually I think the new "Promoted Listing" format is ridiculous.  I promoted listing before under this format and received no response, hits views etc.  It was basically a waste.  Plus sellers will raise prices to cover those fees plus the Final Value Fee's so everyone loses.  The customer, the seller and Ebay.  In the old days Ebay had a Promote Your listing thing, forgot what it was called and you spent extra $ in the beginning to get more views, if it sold no extra fees if it didnt you were out your listing fees and the extra fee.  But you knew that going in and the buyer, seller and ebay all were happy.   This new thing will kill sellers.  

Message 57 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I just looked at our last 31 days of sales (the default for viewing in the Performance -> Sales tab in Seller Hub), and 18.9% of total sales were promoted listings (or rather, from promotions, I guess, since they could have been promoted but have been found and purchased organically).  Granted, we don't promote until listings have been active for 3 months, but that's a good sign for us too.  I'm not worried about this change either, though we don't use auctions that much so it wasn't a big deal to us.

Message 58 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Yeah I've been considering the idea of not promoting new listings "until" (I don't know about 3 months but I can experiment).  Thanks for looking up your numbers, that's very useful and encouraging regarding this idea of waiting to promote something until it's needed.  

Message 59 of 95
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Once again, eBay chooses greed over sellers and their best interest.  It's as simple as that.  

Message 60 of 95
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