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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

It's no longer just masks, hand sanitizer, or wipes.  Price gouging of cleaning products, alcohol derivatives, hand soaps, antibacterial sprays and etc. is taking place.  Anything these greedy folk can do to capitalize off this health issue. Our local grocery chains & pharmacies are now limiting supplies to prevent people from hoarding and buying out for resale.  Includes toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water. OTC cold medicines and related products.


Yet if you read the current medical information it'a unnecessary.  China is beginning to normalize as they used aggressive non pharmaceutical methods to contain the virus. 80% of people affected had mild to moderate symptoms'  The high risk group was 60+ with immune insufficiencies, underlying pulmonary or cardiac diseases.

Message 1 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention



It is unbelievable what sellers are doing.  The prices of alcohol and bath tissue is outragious.

How do they live with themselves.  

Message 31 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

@turquoisetulips wrote:

 He blamed China for the virus the other night  andrew 


I watched the speech . He said the virus was foreign born ,, big deal . That's not blame , its accuracy .  Tulips 

So the test of whether or not something Trump says is appropriate is whether or not it's accurate?


Oh my! Are you sure that's what you want to say?


Here are his lies just from last week!


"You can go to work with Coronavirus" - Trump

"Cases will go to zero very soon" - Trump

"It's like the flu" - Trump

"If you need a test you can get one" - Trump

"The test works beautifully" - Trump

"We will have a vaccine very soon" - Trump 

Message 32 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

! I wouldn't be so quick to defend him. andrew 



Thank you,,   but I'm well informed on politics and I have been for over 30 years . I know what I'm doing . Tulips

Message 33 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

@turquoisetulips wrote:

No he did not . He said '' DO NOT GO TO WORK SICK '' unquote .. You must have watched the speech after it had been edited by someone from CNN . Tulips 

I am not wrong. He said people with Coronavirus can go to work. I saw it. You could see it too if you wanted but you seem unwilling to check for yourself.


And now you're gaslighting. I think we're done here.

Message 34 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

Yeah, funny eBay allows it. With no legitimate way to report it, this problem is going to continue too. Read a similar article about eBay and Amazon price gouging on While Amazon is bad, eBay is 100 times worse.
Message 35 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

So the test of whether or not something Trump says is appropriate is whether or not it's accurate? andrew 



You know I really don't care about placing blame as long as it's accurate . It's a FACT the virus began in Yuhan  China.   Furthermore  they did everything possible to hide it from the rest of the world which lead to a whole lot of deaths . You at this very moment are trying to blame the United States  and our own administration  ,, and that's not right . Tulips 


Message 36 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

 I think we're done here. Andrew 



Yes you are ..  Tulips

Message 37 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

::General reply::


Oh my goodness...


He never said that sick people SHOULD go to work. He said that sick people DO go to work.


“A lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor ... So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”


And actually, if you think about it, he IS right. Sick people do go to work when they don't need to, and they do get better.  That is an undeniable fact.  This virus, I would bet my next paycheck on, has been here for some time already, it has already been circulating through the population, and I would be willing to bet millions already have it, or have had it.  For MOST people the symptoms are like a bad cold or flu.  Approximately 20% of those who do get it have more severe symptoms and I would also be willing to bet that those illnesses were diagnosed as the flu. Only now that there is a way to diagnose it are we seeing numbers. It's kinda of hard to diagnose an illness that you don't know exists.


Now...could he have worded it better. You betcha.  He is not a politician and does not bob and weave like politicians do, which is a tendency I'm beginning to admire because I really hate politicians. He goes straight to the punch. He's not afraid. BUT he does need to tone it back just a bit if he wants to be taken more seriously. I'm not saying he should become a tapdancing yahoo like 99% of our elected officials are, I'm just saying he needs to slow down and think about what he says...word it properly.


DISCLAIMER: I did not vote for Trump. I am not a fan of HIM, but I have become a huge fan of what he has done for our country and the economy. I am a registered Independent with no political party affiliation, although I do consider myself moderately conservative on most issues.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 38 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

I hope I am completely wrong in my feelings about the response to this crisis.  I hope those calling it a Democrat hoax were spot on, I hope turning down the test kits from WHO was the right thing to do, I hope eliminating the pandemic programs under Homeland Security and letting go all the experts/scientists that look for this around the world was a brilliant cost saving move,  maybe cutting funding to the CDC (including in the current budget) eases up money for more important causes,  hopefully not providing test kits early on in order to isolate who has the virus so it could be shut down works out fine.  


I will be so happy if the above actions work out great and my fears are for nothing---that way not many people will die.  That way maybe my 90 year dad will be safe.

Message 39 of 40
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Products being sold for Coronavirus prevention

Tree leaves?

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