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Price gouging

Anyone else get accused of price gouging even though you have sold more than 2000 pieces at a price better then most others. I was told I did not follow price gouging policy, so I can no longer sell it. Total Bull**bleep**.

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

Sorry, but it seems you're not one of the "favoured few"
Message 2 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

Was it for the face masks? They are banned if they are the surgical, medical or N95 kind. You must be preapproved to sell those on eBay. Cloth masks are however now allowed. So your items’ prices were not the problem, per se. Ebay has other offenses within the Price Gouging policy. 

Message 3 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

If I were to guess it was the "Microflex Diamond Grip Powder Free Latex Exam Gloves MF300XL (Box of 100)" Unless there is something else OP sold thousands of. Was there a ban on gloves? I never had to worry about eBay's bans so I mostly didn't read up on them.
Message 4 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

Gloves appear to have been restricted along with masks (other than cloth)
Message 5 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

Not masks. I know that they were not allowing masks, hand sanitizer, etc 

But just out of the blue, they said I could no longer sell latex gloves, even though there were over 100 people selling them. My guess is that my competitor has in "IN" with someone at Ebay. They gave me 5 different excuses.

Message 6 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

I think you are right!

Message 7 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

Yep. This happened to me. I was selling some of the products they started basically prohibiting before they did, then when they did I stopped, sold out and that was it but I got all these take down messages warning me even though the items were no longer listed and sold.


"OK. Whatever", I thought.


Then, two weeks later, I get a price gouging warning over AIR FRESHENER. Not disinfectant, just some air freshener I'd had listed since February. I'd sold a lot of it. It was slightly higher but that's because it was a discontinued scent.


After that I took everything down that was remotely close to anything like that, but I forgot one lot of two bottles of Pepcid AC I had gotten as part of an overstock lot I'd bought. They accused me of price gouging on that too and I got a 72 hour suspension! I called and they saw they were wrong. My theory is that they thought it was one bottle and not two. They said they removed the restriction on my account but turns out they never unhid my listings.


What followed was a week long struggle with customer support who kept telling me that my restriction was removed and it was a "website glitch" causing it. Finally, in total frustration, I signed up for a premium account on LinkedIn just so I could message eBay's new CEO and... it actually worked. They called me a couple days later and explained what had happened and finally got my listings back...  after them all being down for an entire week!


So, believe me, this has been a horrible time and I feel your pain.



So they took off 


Message 8 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

They suspended my account also for 72 hours for no reason. I'm done selling on Ebay now. I sent the CEO Jaimie Iannone a certified letter but that **bleep** didn't respond. **bleep** Ebay-I'm not paying my 4000. bill either.

Message 9 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

@rockauto14 wrote:

”They suspended my account also for 72 hours for no reason. I'm done selling on Ebay now. I sent the CEO Jaimie Iannone a certified letter but that **bleep** didn't respond. **bleep** Ebay-I'm not paying my 4000. bill either.”


Sorry you found yourself in this untenable position. I know you are speaking in anger but wanted to encourage you to keep your options open. If eBay suspended you in error, then they need to make it right.


But if you default on your fees, you’ll dig a hole for any future selling privileges. Should you change your mind, the bridges would have been burned.


And you’ll get sent to collections, which has a potential to hurt one’s credit score. (It is also not a good idea to broadcast your intentions on a public forum.)


Wish you well and hope the matter gets straightened out.

Message 10 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

We can see what you sold in the last billing activity and your bill should be more like a few hundred bucks at the most. There's no $40,000 worth of completed sales there. Aside from that your current listing could get removed, too, for violating policies. Keep it up and your suspension could be longer than 72 hrs. Telling people in your title eBay sucks *bleep* could get you tossed out  forever.

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

Putting that kind of profanity in your description, let alone the title, is going to get your listing pulled and you in hot water, like @fab_finds4u said. I mentioned upthread about burning those bridges, but it looks like you are setting them on fire just as fast as you can. I'm afraid there is absolutely no way to pull you back from the brink, unless you are willing to revise that listing immediately. When your anger lets up, you may regret hasty words. Can't imagine what you are hoping to accomplish by this, unless you are trying to get banned from the site. When eBay restricts a seller, it is usually for life, with no appeal. Hate to see an exemplary seller such as yourself take this direction. 

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

I really wish Ebay would change these emails they send to sellers such as yourself.  They really could do a better job explaining what is going on instead of just throwing everything under "price gouging".  


It is very likely that what they were actually telling you wasn't that your prices were to high but that you are selling things on the site that they BANNED back on March 5th due to the pandemic.  I think the only ban that has been lifted is on fabric face masks.  If I missed something, maybe someone else could correct me.  


But currently on Ebay you aren't allowed to sell face mask [other than fabric ones], medical gowns and all kinds of other things that have been in a short supply during this pandemic.


So you may want to do a bit of research before listing any more of this kind of stuff as that is likely what you got in trouble for, not the actual price of the item.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 13 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

I guess they are gone based on the two postings they have listed!

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Price gouging

I really don't give a rats ass what Ebay does. I'm done with this **bleep**hole place. Anyone happen to read about the 6 Ebay execs arrested for cyber stalking ? Just goes to show you how **bleep** Ebay really is. I'm hoping their headquarters in San Jose is the next building to be on the looters list. They deserve what they get.

Message 15 of 17
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