Platforms getting on board with ebay standard
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‎06-14-2018 03:41 PM
I am making this announcement only because there is a pattern of behavior that will affect all who sell from the 'middle man'.
I understand that many here also use other platforms to make sales, and for now, I am only on etsy, who is now raising the MAIN fee from 3.5% to 5%.
Plus they will now apply the fee for shipping like everyone else.
Just because everyone else does it does not make it any more justifiable!
While this seems like a better FVF, there are more hidden fees that made the initial 3.5% nearly equal to ebay's 10%.
With that said, we all know the changes that have been made on ebay, and the 'standard' that others will begin to follow.
The wide gap is now getting wider, and platforms will now begin to use more weight to step on our necks to make money.
Just a thought:
We may as well jack up our prices like 15% because we won't sell at our lower rates anyway.
I would like to see the response from the platforms then.
No sale of $10 is as good as no sale $100.
Buyers will be turned off from the high prices, sellers are already turned off by Scams, and listing manipulation.
Let them buy from China, they will make ebay's bed soon enough.
Once someone else opens another site, we could go there, and sell at our normal rates for 'lowball'
Seriously, this is already bad enough, and I think it's senseless to keep paying our abusers.
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‎06-15-2018 03:32 PM
"Bottom line IMO all these places "owe" you is a place to list your stuff. They don't owe you sales and they don't you a profit - that's up to YOU to do within the confines of the venue you choose to list on."
Ohh so true. They owe me what they promise in their contract......
The option to run my store the way I want. The option to take or not take returns, which is in their rules not mine. The option to have customer service for the product I buy, (my store space). And the option to have some security and trust in a site that a three year old could build and maintain.
My bigggest gripes are listed above. The throttling and hiding of merchandise I pay to list on their site. The constant bugs and issues with this awful selling platform. No support on the options that they give us such as returns/no returns.
Let me handle my own business. AGAIN ebay does not sell or own anything other than the website and platform they offer. And they carge a rather hefty price for that.
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‎06-15-2018 03:38 PM
"Im surprised you can even sit down to type after the whooping you got last week."
Woo Hoo I am cracking true.
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‎06-15-2018 03:44 PM
OMG folks - the same vents I've heard for years - and even with all the other sites and opportunites that have opened up for sellers - these same sellers still stay here. What's the saying - misery loves company. If you want more control than take it - start your own websites. I can bet you won't see a penny of profit for at least 2-3 yrs. Spend your money paying for the site, advertising ect.. make sure you have all the correct paperwork filed with the state and federal gov't.
Every update - we all get excited and complain and moan - then it starts all over again in 3-6 months and yet I see the same people here on these boards - so no one has moved on. Ebay is not going to change - accept it or move on - it's as simple as that. I'll rant and rave for a week and then realize - this is the best selling platform for me for the time being. The other platforms are time consuming - although they offered a lot of sales at first - they are a lot of work with sharing and liking ect to maintain your visibility.
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‎06-15-2018 03:47 PM
@mczombies wrote:divwido says to the OP:
"Why are you posting that here? This is eBay. And yes, that sites boards are nothing but complaints.
The theory is the extra money will bring in more buyers. Unlikely, but no one gets a vote.
All you acheived by posting this here was zero."
mczombies says to divwido:
WRONG. What you posted, your so-called response, achieved zero. Instead of giving a valid argument, or even a decent rebuttal to the OP's post, you instead chose to question his right to enlighten, and spread some (well appreciated, by the way) knowledge.
Also--everyone gets a vote. Even though they may be ignored and derided by lemmings like you--they still have a voice. However, no one is the judge or jury on what is relevant to SOME here. So if you don't appreciate what is shared, then don't respond--or give an educated argument--but to simply TRY and dismiss someone--no, you don't have that right.
To add--I also find fault with your theory--that the extra money (I assume you are talking about extra fee money?) will bring in more buyers. How in the world did you make that connection? The extra fee money--is simply a fleece of the sellers--and, the fact that OTHER platforms are starting to try and join in the greed-fest--is evidence that the continual disrespect of American sellers, won't be stopping anytime soon, seeing as how well it is working for them.
Sellers need to stand up and fight here--SERIOUSLY. If we all refused to list new items for just ONE day--they would sit up and take notice immediately. People need to realize the power they genuinely have here--and not give in and give up like you--divwido.
Also, as the OP pointed out--the money must be being mis-handled somewhat, because seriously--how much is enough? Keep in mind, that quite possibly MANY of us will be paying upwards of 20% in FEES here shortly--and that doesn't even take into consideration what in the heck will happen when eBay becomes our PAYMENT provider.
No--you couldn't be more blind and misled. And if you are thinking that you are going to get some special breaks for sticking up for eBay here on the forums--well, good luck with that. Personally, I would rather die off here than compromise my principles. But that's just me.....and quite a few others...the ones who are sick and tired of being raped and robbed by these greedy corporations. With their golden parachutes, and their short-term coffer filler ideas. Meanwhile, running all of us around like rats through a maze just to try and keep our heads above water. Anyone who supports these latest Summer updates is a fool, and sure to go down with the sinking ship too--singing praises all the way--but still drowning with everyone else.
Now this is the perfect example of someone who gets it!
This is more about the monster trying to bite off more than they can chew.
If everyone else wants to refuse to listen because they are 'successful' enough, then I respect that.
If you have a problem with what you read and feel the need to comment, then I will kindly ask that you hash it out with each other respectfully.
(Although, I know who the main audience is here, so I know what to expect)
But soon enough there won't be complaints about no sales, they will change to prices are too high.
The idea that we will crouch in a corner to get beaten for bread crumbs is very insulting.
I am surprised to see that the frustration is taken out more on each other than the source.
Why is it okay for ebay and etsy to take a stand against taxes, and not okay to acknowledge the lack of appreciation for us?
To me the end result to this question is the same.
Higher prices!
I guess that idea is okay with the rest of you.
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‎06-15-2018 04:14 PM
@tunicaslot wrote:OMG folks - the same vents I've heard for years - and even with all the other sites and opportunites that have opened up for sellers - these same sellers still stay here. What's the saying - misery loves company. If you want more control than take it - start your own websites. I can bet you won't see a penny of profit for at least 2-3 yrs. Spend your money paying for the site, advertising ect.. make sure you have all the correct paperwork filed with the state and federal gov't.
Every update - we all get excited and complain and moan - then it starts all over again in 3-6 months and yet I see the same people here on these boards - so no one has moved on. Ebay is not going to change - accept it or move on - it's as simple as that. I'll rant and rave for a week and then realize - this is the best selling platform for me for the time being. The other platforms are time consuming - although they offered a lot of sales at first - they are a lot of work with sharing and liking ect to maintain your visibility.
While I do agree with your statements, I understand the idea of profit margins and I expected that to a certian limit.
But now I couldn't even cover the cost of new inventory, so whatever, I can adapt.
What I won't do, is get hosed by someone while they tell me they are trying to help.
ebay says to lower my prices, while they raise the operating cost.
If they want business, then they shouldn't try to draw blood from a stone.
It is better to make a little bit of money and alot of it.
We all know this.
But, as stated by others before, some of us cannot just move on.
So can't we excercise the idea to at least bring something back to the older days?
I don't think that sitting down will help at all.
Also, as stated before, the boards will ONLY be complaints.
Some of us have the talent for sharing good ideas, and others to update the bad news.
What I never appreciated was the condescending comments disguised as "help".
(just so you know, the previous statement does not address you Tunica)
We as 'members' can't vent to the CS, so we can come to the 'smokers lounge' to do it.
If people get inspired to do something positive about it rather than puch others in the gut,
then the boards have exceeded expectation.
No one has to click on the "hot topic" but we all do.
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‎06-15-2018 07:03 PM
You need grammar lessons.
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‎06-15-2018 07:18 PM - edited ‎06-15-2018 07:18 PM
@dr.clockenstien wrote:
Once someone else opens another site
20 years of history and failed attempts to compete with eBay by the deep pockets of companies like Amazon, Yahoo and Alibaba suggest that you may be waiting a while for this.
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‎06-15-2018 07:33 PM
Ebay is not the standard - Amazon is. Not only do they charge more than ebay, but they even compete directly with their third party sellers.
Etsy which started out as a site for handmade items only - changed their definition of handmade along the way to include manufactured products and then added vintage, and then became a public company. Their announcement of the increase in FVFs including on shipping was a big hit with stockholders.
I used etsy way back when they were handmade items only and that 20 cents for every listing really added up when only 20% of listings sold. Listing 25 items cost $5.00 - so if 5 of those items sold - that worked out to $1.00 per listing sold plus FVF - if my 5 sales totalled $60 - my Listing plus FVF fees would be $7.10 which is more than 10%. Because I didn't sell high ticket items - I couldn't justify selling on etsy with only a 20% sell thru rate.
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‎06-15-2018 08:54 PM
@dr.clockenstien wrote:The idea is, if rates and standards go up, the buyers (and the majority of the posters here) will have to pay.
Ex. My prices were the lowest around and buyers were not happy.
Do I shoot myself in the foot and pay fees out of my own pocket?
Or should the buyer suck up the "price gouging" with at least some better understanding?
Only if you are operating on such narrow margins that you can't incorporate a minor fee increase into your price and still come out ahead. If eBay were to raise their fees to 20% tomorrow, I would still be making a profit on everything I sell because I make sure I have enough of a profit margin to be able to handle it. I won't even buy anything to resell if I can't cut my asking price by at least 25% and still make a profit.
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‎06-16-2018 04:44 AM
dr. - it's fine to vent - I do it too but nothing anyone has said or done has changed anything in a seller's favor so in the end it's alot of energy and stress for nothing. Vent get it out of your system and move on.
There have been a few who decided to do something - but they are no longer here. And it's funny - many who are naysayers today - made fun of these people who wanted change as they were doing well on Ebay back at that time.
We agree on many things - but I try to see both sides of the coin. If I'm frustrated I get it off my chest and move on as I have to accept what I can't change and have to stick to what makes me money.
Many can leave here if they wish to tho - many of these other sites are free - no overhead - some don't charge FVF's on shipping unless you of course offer free shipping. Then there are independent groups on social media - no cost at all to sell - but many of us don't like change and don't want to put the time and effort setting up elsewhere.
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‎06-16-2018 06:59 AM
Thank you for your post. I didn't read the "roach" comment post until just now...very very offensive and tells us what this poster really thinks about sellers and now in writing for all to see on a public forum. For shame. I do not need a reply back from anyone. I will just call this the Kraken Post of all time.
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‎06-16-2018 07:34 AM
I get what most are saying here. But I am sure everyone here maybe 90% of sellers on ebay will complaing about paying taxes to the Govt for running your business. I pay income taxes on every cent I make on Ebay. I own a business and know that is what I have to do. Now I complain quite often about the taxation without representation that our government provides. Yes, I can pick up and move myself into another township, state, or even country to get away from taxes. But to me, I have already vested over 30 years of taxes into my lifestyle. I have paid for my Social Security, Medicaid, Roads and Bridges that I use. Why would I pick up now and move on. I prefer to just complain about the taxation and do something about it.
When I retired from the PD I became mayor of the town I live in. Stopped a lot of waste and have been very popular. I am also running for State Representative in 2020 when my current Rep Terms out. I plan on going there and continue to chop away at the things that cause the high rates of taxation. While I complain I do it in a healthy and educated way, then make plans to do something about it.
All of this long winded for this point. We exchange a lot of ideas on this site. Most are heated and passionate, but still respectful (dont understand the MODS sometimes). We can form ideas to help move foreward and I am sure Ebay is watching. May not care but they are watching. There is no need to completely bash each other for what is ducussed here. Ideas from both sides are interesting.
Ebay is here to make money. They do so as they see fit with their pannel of experts, which are sometimes not in touch with the sellers, buyers or lookers. They operate from a glass house high on a mountain and have to answer to their investers.
What really needs to happen is Ebay should find a way to make the sellers part of the investment circle. They should allow us an input as to how things are done, sort of vest us into the company. Now not everyone can be included, I get that. But there are some very smart and serious sellers on here that have very good ideas. They are being left in the cold.
Before I end this I will say. Some say Ebay has moved forward from what it once was to where it is by changes and that it will never go back. I have said often that Ebay has been and will always be known as the auction/yardsale web site. Ebay to me, is and has been for 20 years the standard of how pricing is set for retail and whosale. Over the last 10 years I always head to ebay before I buy something to see what pricing is. Like it or not, Ebay had done that. Maybe Ebay SHOULD go back more to the way it used to be. I mean there is really nothing wrong with DOMINATING the secondary market instead of trying and never being able to reach dominance in the primary market.
Good day to all I have to go be in a parade today.
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‎06-16-2018 08:45 AM
Best to you on your run Rich! You weren't perhaps on Jay Smith's show were you?
I agree whole heartedly - except - I'm making the move out of this state instead of continuing to pay taxes.
Have fun at the parade and if you do win your election - I'm sure you won't forget us small folks like many politicians do!
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‎06-16-2018 12:01 PM
@skatefool wrote:
@emerald40 wrote:
Now sellers are like roaches and buyers have a vast variety of places, both B&M and online. You and tens of thousands of other sellers are competing for their dollars. If you are not the best and the cheapest, you just lost a sale.
And buyers are like Squirrels, trying to cross the street in traffic.
@skatefool wrote:
@emerald40 wrote:
Now sellers are like roaches and buyers have a vast variety of places, both B&M and online. You and tens of thousands of other sellers are competing for their dollars. If you are not the best and the cheapest, you just lost a sale.
And buyers are like Squirrels, trying to cross the street in traffic.
Sellers are like Baby Sea Turtles trying to cross the Beach.
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‎06-16-2018 03:14 PM
That's incredible, one of the best things I loved about ebay was all of the interesting people I would meet!
I have a friend from high school who already served his term as mayor from the town I grew up in as well.
He was never going to embark on the challenges you are about to engage.
Best of luck to you in '20!
Thanks for your input!