03-06-2018 08:15 PM
Some of the more interesting highlights:
03-07-2018 12:27 AM
So basically PayPal is saying they're not offering SELLER protection if the BUYER doesn't use PayPal....nice.
That will not be a problem as long as sellers will ave the ability to deal directly with the CC companies in the event of a chargeback to protect themselves. Is that going to happen?
I don't think so... there's no details yet.
But I sell elsewhere where Adyen runs the payment thing, and any cc chargebacks there are fought by the venue, the seller cannot deal with the cc companies at all... they submit their "evidence" to the venue, like we'd submit our evidence to PayPal today. So it is likely that eBay will be fighting cc chargebacks, they will be the merchant of record. Hard to say how well they'll do this, but I'm pretty sure they're going to pass the hit back to the seller when/if they lose.
03-07-2018 02:45 AM
So basically PayPal is saying they're not offering SELLER protection if the BUYER doesn't use PayPal....nice.Actually, that kinda makes sense to me.
And we have to rely JUST on eBay's address given and hope payment has actually been made rather than being able to check with PP as we do now.
That may well be the situation once Adyen takes over too. We won't have an Adyen account to check, and the PayPal account that's receiving the payment will belong to eBay not you. eBay
is going to have towill need toshould take responsibility for the address with all the payments, not just PayPal's.The thing with Adyen, though, is they use AVS - they actually address verify the CC before it's accepted...or declined. If the card doesn't match the address on file with the CC company the payment won't go through. That's what real credit card processors do. I could be wrong, but I don't think Paypal does that.
Does that mean no more "gift addresses" on eBay then?
What about those using reshippers?
03-07-2018 02:47 AM
So basically PayPal is saying they're not offering SELLER protection if the BUYER doesn't use PayPal....nice.
That will not be a problem as long as sellers will ave the ability to deal directly with the CC companies in the event of a chargeback to protect themselves. Is that going to happen?
I don't think so... there's no details yet.
But I sell elsewhere where Adyen runs the payment thing, and any cc chargebacks there are fought by the venue, the seller cannot deal with the cc companies at all... they submit their "evidence" to the venue, like we'd submit our evidence to PayPal today. So it is likely that eBay will be fighting cc chargebacks, they will be the merchant of record. Hard to say how well they'll do this, but I'm pretty sure they're going to pass the hit back to the seller when/if they lose.
We already know how well eBay "fights" for the seller.
03-07-2018 04:20 AM
Fwiw, this pretty much guts the protection against unauthorized use if paid by credit card.
03-07-2018 04:50 AM
Sounds like they must have had some sort of real problem with fraudulent accounts spending balances that didn't exist, or have some sort of illegal money transfer/money laundering issue they're trying to solve.
Perhaps too many fake e-checks?
I know that was a huge problem for a while.
03-07-2018 05:10 AM
- For business accounts, we are changing the fee charged for our faster withdrawal option to an eligible debit card linked to your PayPal account to 1% of the transferred amount."
Here's an argument to not "upgrade" to business. Everyone pays a quarter but businesses pay 1%?
Can you downgrade your account? I upgraded mine while messing around with the settings. I didn’t intend to go through with it but there was no way out so I had to complete the process before I could use my account. And wouldn’t you know it, without telling me first my husband upgraded his just so he could get a card reader to take electronic payments for our daughters Girl Scout cookie sales!
This struck me as adorable. If I could I would be getting cookies from your daughter and her dad just for this reason! I hope she (they) earned a patch!
03-07-2018 06:00 AM
- For business accounts, we are changing the fee charged for our faster withdrawal option to an eligible debit card linked to your PayPal account to 1% of the transferred amount."
Here's an argument to not "upgrade" to business. Everyone pays a quarter but businesses pay 1%?
Can you downgrade your account? I upgraded mine while messing around with the settings. I didn’t intend to go through with it but there was no way out so I had to complete the process before I could use my account. And wouldn’t you know it, without telling me first my husband upgraded his just so he could get a card reader to take electronic payments for our daughters Girl Scout cookie sales!
@missjen831 and @banana*shoe*boutique
This is not referring to the PayPal Debit Card (business account)
This refers to the new option that they rolled out last year ... you can transfer your money directly to one of those pre-paid Visa/Mastercard debit cards that aren't attached to a physical bank account.
If you choose the "faster withdrawal" method (same day) to that type of account they charge a fee....
03-07-2018 06:04 AM
So basically PayPal is saying they're not offering SELLER protection if the BUYER doesn't use PayPal....nice.Actually, that kinda makes sense to me.
And we have to rely JUST on eBay's address given and hope payment has actually been made rather than being able to check with PP as we do now.
That may well be the situation once Adyen takes over too. We won't have an Adyen account to check, and the PayPal account that's receiving the payment will belong to eBay not you. eBay
is going to have towill need toshould take responsibility for the address with all the payments, not just PayPal's.The thing with Adyen, though, is they use AVS - they actually address verify the CC before it's accepted...or declined. If the card doesn't match the address on file with the CC company the payment won't go through. That's what real credit card processors do. I could be wrong, but I don't think Paypal does that.
I've had PayPal decline a CC payment from a Buyer ... I don't know if it was based on the address or something else (it never came through eBay at all)
03-07-2018 06:23 AM
Fwiw, logging into a paypal account and then paying via credit card is apples v. oranges to paypal just processing the cc transaction. Logging into paypal to pay and then choosing the pay via credit card option (paypal default is your paypal balance) is a pain and back to the future stuff. My guess is that buyers won't see the difference, but to sellers it's a major transfer of risk. Paypal sticking it to ebay & ebay sellers. Hopefully ebay will follow up with a plan to cover sellers asap.
03-07-2018 06:27 AM
@banana*shoe*boutiquewrote:Here's an argument to not "upgrade" to business. Everyone pays a quarter but businesses pay 1%?
That's for the fast withdrawal to debit card. I've never had to use it since my bank transfers take 24 hours or less. That's $20 for a $200 transfer
1% of $200 is $2, not $20.
Sorry, I forgot my math hat last night I need to stop posting while sleeping.
I swear I don't know where that zero came from! Ebay must have added it when I wasn't looking!
03-07-2018 06:42 AM
@threshold.sales.groupwrote:Fwiw, logging into a paypal account and then paying via credit card is apples v. oranges to paypal just processing the cc transaction. Logging into paypal to pay and then choosing the pay via credit card option (paypal default is your paypal balance) is a pain and back to the future stuff. My guess is that buyers won't see the difference, but to sellers it's a major transfer of risk. Paypal sticking it to ebay & ebay sellers. Hopefully ebay will follow up with a plan to cover sellers asap.
Thanks for the laugh of the day!
03-07-2018 06:42 AM
Sellers will automatically lose all cases. (Chargebacks)
No, I don't think so...... I think either we will have to deal with cc companies on chargebacks or Ebay will.....
I wonder how it works on Amazon..........if anyone knows........
03-07-2018 06:48 AM
So basically PayPal is saying they're not offering SELLER protection if the BUYER doesn't use PayPal....nice.Actually, that kinda makes sense to me.
And we have to rely JUST on eBay's address given and hope payment has actually been made rather than being able to check with PP as we do now.
That may well be the situation once Adyen takes over too. We won't have an Adyen account to check, and the PayPal account that's receiving the payment will belong to eBay not you. eBay
is going to have towill need toshould take responsibility for the address with all the payments, not just PayPal's.The thing with Adyen, though, is they use AVS - they actually address verify the CC before it's accepted...or declined. If the card doesn't match the address on file with the CC company the payment won't go through. That's what real credit card processors do. I could be wrong, but I don't think Paypal does that.
I've had PayPal decline a CC payment from a Buyer ... I don't know if it was based on the address or something else (it never came through eBay at all)
I've had a debit card payment declined before. The sale showed in Ebay as unpaid, but didn't show at all in Paypal on my side. something like that if I'm remembering right. I called about it and was told that the customer's debit card was declined for not enough funds. I had to file a UID.
They may have added AVS at some point, then. I know at some point CCs and debit cards were only verified on Paypal's side, the address registered to the Paypal had to match the CC used. With AVS the address has to match the address on file with the CC company.
03-07-2018 06:49 AM
So basically if they pay on eBay using a cc, or later when the Adyen system goes into effect, those transactions won't be covered under PP seller protection?
What it is referring to is the "Send and Request Money" area. Too many people sell items and use this feature to get payment and bypass the Paypal transaction fees... ...losing Paypal money.
So any unauthorized transactions filed because a buyer paid a seller with this link instead of linked to a transaction or a Paypal invoice... ...means the seller has no protection.
Guest buyers that checkout with payment for eBay transactions are NOT included.
03-07-2018 06:50 AM
@moo*cow*cornerwrote:I'm reading it the same way.
A good example would be an ebay guest buyer who pays at checkout with their CC, without a PP account being involved.
The payment is processed by Paypal, but PP has no way to recoup any losses if the payment goes bad and the seller falls under Seller Protection (ship to PP address, tracking and siggy over $750, etc.).
They are now passing that risk onto the sellers by taking away seller protections for those transactions. Wonder if this applies to INR's...very interesting.