03-18-2022 11:39 AM
I am so very frustrated by this change that ebay has made with sending offers. I have found when I send and offer and someone counters, It no longer shows what the original offer I sent was!!! I send many a day, and this is a real big flaw in the system. You used to be able to see what it was. I can't remember every single offer price!! So stupid! Makes me mad! I am sure I have countered at higher offers than originally sent because It is no longer shown. Could someone in ebay please answer why this changed and fix it back to the way it used to be!
03-18-2022 11:57 AM
When I send an offer, I check the box so the potential buyer is not allowed to counter offer. I'm giving my best price and if it's not what the potential buyer wants, it'll eventually sell to someone else.
03-18-2022 12:02 PM - edited 03-18-2022 12:04 PM
Seller hub>active listings https://www.ebay.com/sh/lst/active
Click the "send offers - sent" tab. If you do not see the menu tabs, click the "quick filters" arrow to open up the menu.
When you click that tab it will take you to the page with your offers sent: https://www.ebay.com/sh/lst/active?pill_status=sioPending&action=search
Select "review offers sent" next to the item and you can see the offers. It should show the counter offers as well. I haven't had a counter in a while, so I don't know if they would be there or not. I assume they would be.
03-18-2022 12:11 PM
What I hate is that it’s not just people watching your items it’s anyone who may even look at your item. It’s very frustrating. I have two stores and sometimes I look at my items through my other store and see I have potential buyers and I send an offer only to receive it myself. I get sooo many offers a day for things I’m not watching and it irks me.
03-18-2022 02:57 PM
Yes, that bugs me too.
03-18-2022 02:58 PM
I understand, a real time waster. Thanks for the reply!
03-18-2022 03:07 PM
Thanks for that help! I looked and it still just shows my counter offer. It should show that I sent an offer and that is why I got a counter offer, but it doesn't. Does that make sense? I guess I will not allow counter offers on offers sent, as one person suggested. I would feel stupid if I counter back and the offer is either the same or higher because I can't keep track of all the offers I send, and they won't show you what the original offer was.
So frustrating!
03-19-2022 02:04 AM
I did that several times, sent an offer that was more than I originally offered it for. When the potential 'buyer' complained, I told them the offer (for them) was now full price.
Low ball me, will ya!
Here's my thought(s). My items are unique, or so little competition that it's negligible. Someone looking for my stuff is LOOKING and has probably been looking for a long time. Don't want it at my price, so be it, but as more time goes on, the prices do go up and next time they look, it'll be priced higher.
03-19-2022 05:30 AM
Even before whatever change eBay has made I quit dealing with offers long ago. I no longer put OBO on any of my postings nor do I respond to unsolicited offers that buyers send. I simply became frustrated with the back and forth and the amount if time it was consuming.
06-15-2022 09:37 AM
Are you still selling? My sales have dropped to nothing over the last two months. I had a knee injury and put myself on vacation until I could walk, and since then its been ZILCH sales! I am wondering if ebay is saturated or only the wholesale sellers are doing well.