09-24-2023 06:01 AM
09-24-2023 06:19 AM
Our experience, no.
Offers that may be sent to people who are on your BBL, will say something like “offers not sent” and shows in red, whereas sent offers to people not on BBL, show green.
Not to say people who really want an item, won’t just use a guest account, new account, etc., but no, offers should not be received by people you have blocked.
09-24-2023 06:29 AM
Thank you for your reply.
09-24-2023 07:07 AM
No. If you have them blocked they can't make a purchase. However they can create another account and purchase from you.
Happy Selling!
09-24-2023 12:55 PM
You’re welcome ☺️
09-24-2023 02:20 PM
Not anymore. Those who are on the "best buyers list" don`t get offers sent and are not able to contact one who has them on BBL. Those are improvements on the ebay`s side.
09-24-2023 03:52 PM
@4pawsup* wrote:If a seller sends out an offer can someone you have on your BBL get one?
No it won't go out. I tried to send an offer on my phone once a couple of years ago and got an error message that you can't send offers to people on your blocked bidders list.
I sometimes get "1 offer not sent" when I send offers, I suspect it's because the recipient is on the BBL.
12-10-2024 01:42 PM
What is BBL?