I sell trading cards and I am trying to have two discounts for buyers at once and I want them to stack. I have searched some threads on here but am a little confused.
Currently I have an order discount that discounts 10% for orders of 10 or more items. This is working fine.
I would like to add a discount of 10% for orders of $100 or more, and I want these two to work together.
I have been experimenting with coupons and it doesn't seem to stack, and from what I can tell, when multiple order discounts exist, only the best order discount will apply. Sale event+ markdown doesn't seem to help since I can't specify that the discount be for orders of $X, and volume pricing (and switching the order discount to 10% off $100 or more) doesn't seem to help since I have to use 2, 3, or 4 items as the levels for discount.
Coupon seems to be my best bet but is there a way to get this to stack with an order discount for 10% off plus an extra 10% if both conditions are met?
Thanks for any tips!