03-21-2025 09:37 AM
I received an offer and accepted it however I cannot find any history on it and it still shows Active. Where can I see the status?
03-21-2025 10:13 AM
The listing will stay active until someone pays for it.
03-21-2025 12:31 PM
I received an offer and accepted ....
Look again. Did you perhaps accept a COUNTER Offer from a buyer? When you accept a counter offer now, the buyer is not notified other than having it appear in their "bids/offers" list. Chances are pretty good they don't even know you accepted the counter offer. Basically, the buyer does not have to pay for offers YOU send, or counter offers you accept. You cannot send a reminder or invoice for these accepted counter offers, and these remain for sale until someone pays for them. Combined shipping for multiple items is not an option. This is the same for EVERYONE that eBay decided to do regardless of your retaining the "Buyer Rules". These are also the ones that everyone is wondering "where they are"...they are still for sale.
Yes, you also require a buyer to put up a payment source in order to make an offer to you at all, i.e. the "Buyer Rules" (Counter offers don't count). When you accept one of these, your buyer is billed instantly (aka auto-pay) as soon as you accept. If your buyer is unaware of the consequences of your default setting, they may send offers for more of your products. If they send offers on ten, and you accept all ten, their payment source will show ten separate transactions at full shipping price for each. You pay ten separate transaction fees at forty cents each as opposed to one forty cent charge for a combined order.
Again, the latter that is affected by your retention of the "buyer rules" eBay gave you, DO NOT APPLY TO COUNTER OFFERS, but ONLY TO OFFERS SENT BY A BUYER who either only wants one thing and is not affected by the lack of payment options when being required to put up a payment source in order to make and offer and be auto-billed for same.
You can see your settings here:
Buyer Rules:
*Require buyers to provide a payment method before they place a bid.
*Require buyers to provide a payment method before they make an offer.
Click submit or save.
As a seller you can turn these off if you wish to encourage buyers to purchase more than one item, thus more sales. If you don't wish to accommodate multiple purchase buyers, then by all means keep them.
03-21-2025 12:41 PM
The listing will stay active until someone pays for it.
While that is certainly correct if our OP accepted a COUNTER offer from their buyer, this seller requires a payment source for a buyer to initiate an offer in the first place. If an offer of this type (sent by the buyer who forked over a payment source first) is accepted, the buyer would be charged instantly and the item already paid for and found in "awaiting shipment". Counter offers are not "auto-billed" regardless of the auto-pay settings, and buyers will not be awarded any non-payment strikes of they choose not to pay for an accepted counter offer. The seller is not allowed to cancel due to non-payment for these which sort of negates the fact all this back and forth nonsense is really to cut down on the non-paying buyer situation. Buyers that don't pay for accepted counter offers, will get a free pass and further dilute the effectiveness of the "2 in 12 UPI" block.
See message #3 for more details on this issue.
03-21-2025 12:55 PM
You should be able to see it if you pull up the item and click on review all offers. I just had one where I accepted a counter offer (that setting was auto checked for me & I didn't realize it) and it was there. I didn't hear from the buyer for a couple days, so I sent her an email thanking her for the offer & letting her know it was ready to ship as soon as the payment came through. She paid within an hour and thanked me for taking the offer, so I'm thinking she didn't even realize it.
03-21-2025 01:10 PM
@zebra500 Find the listing on your active listings page and click view all offers.
The process of accepted counter-offers moving to pending status on the listing's offers management page is something eBay has been rolling out.
While offers are in pending status the item is available for anybody else to purchase until the buyer pays. eBay is trying to eliminate the inconvenience to sellers when buyers lose interest after an item ends so the seller does not have to start from scratch and lose interested buyers when they relist. They're also trying to eliminate the inconvenience of having your item off the market during the 4+ day waiting period for payment.
If the buyer does not pay within a certain amount of time, the offer will expire and be removed from the pending section. If the buyer pays then it will become an official transaction on your orders page. In the meantime, any buyer can purchase at full price or make an offer.
03-21-2025 06:39 PM
Thanks. I guess from a buyers perspective, I’ve never had the privilege of waiting to pay, which is why I’m (was) confused. Payment was/is automatic once the seller accepted. And yes, I eventually found it in my pending. Appreciate the information. Very helpful.
03-21-2025 06:41 PM
I’ll take a look at that - thanks!
03-21-2025 06:43 PM
I’m learning more and more. Thank you, again!
03-21-2025 06:44 PM
Thanks for the feedback.