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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

eBay has obviously become a tool which dishonest buyers recognize they can use to damage a seller via inaccurate feedback.  I am tired of my corp being a victim like this. We even made an exception and refunded this subject customer IN FULL  even with a NO RETURN Policy which we have after experiencing massive amounts of attempts to borrow the auto part long enough to pass inspection and then return the part that fixed the truck which caused us to eat $170 every time.  This is fraud and sale manipulation. This subject customer bought the wrong part-he admitted it to me on the telephone. When I told him our return policy on the listing, he called me every name in the book, said women don't know about cars and told me "give me your GD name, women don't own auto part corps".  STILL, I REFUNDED HIM in full and ate the $170. because he was so abusive, I couldn't take any more. And now on Christmas Eve, he left me the most abusive feedback which eBay won't remove. eBay  is enouraging buyers and even assisting them in damaging sellers for no good reason. We have no recourse against these types anymore. It's open season on any seller who does business here and most times, the buyer knows eBay is a powerful and easily used weapon. This has become a very hostile place for sellers.  

Message 1 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

Read my reply that describes our typical customer here on eBay. That might provide some clarity for you.
Message 16 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.


 If you use the device just long enough to pass smog or inspection and later pull it off claiming it didn't work for a 100% refund here



 You would never be able to prove that's true.  If you have suspiscions, you should report them to state regulators, not rant about them in FB.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 17 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

@point-a-engineering wrote:
The fact that anyone would think what this buyer did here on eBay is acceptable is a stunning case in point. I have to assume these types don't sell here or if they do, it's random as a private party and not from an actual corp. I've sold on eBay for 20 years and almost 8 with my current corp. I'm not new to problems like this but with the rules eBay has set up relating to feedback and more to the point, that sellers cannot alert the marketplace to obvious scams and fraud by buyers through their own option of neg feedback, it makes it a hostile place to do business unless you are buying looking to cover up for the game. Most larger corps that offer good products here on eBay, can't afford to experience the loss of revenue resulting from well orchestrated scams, sale manipulation and fraud with neg feedback as the threat. Electronic auto parts are never returnable (INDUSTRY STANDARD) due to legitimate reasons like buyer error. Auto part companies can't eat the cost of every scam artist or back yard mechanic who has no legitimate auto repair skills here. You all might be interested to know eBay is just 1% of our overall business but it's 100% of the FRAUD we experience. These people know how to play the game very well and if you don't give them what they want or even if you DO, they damage your brand when you've done nothing wrong. eBay is a major facilitator of this fraud. Google this issue. It's not just us that have noticed what a hostile place eBay has become for sellers. Sale manipulation and fraud are actionable. If you use the device just long enough to pass smog or inspection and later pull it off claiming it didn't work for a 100% refund here on eBay, that is a felony in your state. Broken trucks with engine failure codes are not legal in any state. ANY DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO DUPE YOUR STATE into thinking the truck has no codes that violate The Clean Air Act, knowing you will re-break the truck later to get your money back, is a felony. Using the device we sell and then pulling it off after you've cleared your state's registration process for a refund here on eBay means the truck is a major polluter and broken. This defines an INTENT TO COMMIT FRAUD on your state and the federal gov't. The Clean Air Act violation is a breaking a federal law. Good luck with that. We investigate these types and report them all. We enjoy law abiding citizens that genuinely want assistance in the repair by ASE CERTIFIED MASTER TECHS and auto design engineers for FREE. The part holds a US Patent and is currently in 8 million trucks all over North America. eBay is 1% of our overall market but brings us the worst possible customers (because of eBay policies fueling fraud).

Op I understand it is industry standard to not accept returns on auto electronics parts. That being said, you choose to sell them on a venue where buyers can and do return items that are defective or they claim are defective. Those are ebays terms that we all agree to when we list here. They are not going to change that for you. The ball is in your court, you either offer them for sale here or you don't.

Message 18 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

Here is the difference in our buyers: We sell a brand new device that repairs the truck so that you can pass smog and register the truck. Some here on eBay USE and manipulate eBay's policies to enable them to do it and they do it very well with eBay's help. If you try to stop them, it results in neg fbk.

You sell used Avon bottles and used plates among other things. While that is fine and probably just delightful for you, it's not a comparison to us in this nor do you have any valuable advice to give us. We didn't post anything here to get any of this advice. By the disparity between all of who replied, it's obviously worthless. We have been used by those who break federal and state laws with eBay's complicity.
Message 19 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

He never claimed it was defective. He claimed he made a buying error. That's not our fault and we cannot resell it after taking it back. We can't insure to a new buyer the device wasn't tampered with. I wasn't asking your advice. You obviously don't know my product, what I am talking about here or the automotive part industry.

Message 20 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

point does your device repair the cars problem or is it a bypass used to circumvent the states inspection policys and the vehicle problem isn't repaired just bypassed so it can move along to the next consumer who the ace wrench spinner has to break the bad news to the unknowing consumer....

Message 21 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

I M P O R T A N T  --->  Our CEO didn't post here to get advice from anyone. She was venting at being scammed out of $170.  and it's a prosecutable thing both on state and federal levels. After reading all these replies from people who sell used Avon bottles and other things, it's ridiculous to think anyone of you have something to offer me any of us in this multi million dollar parts corp.


I contacted eBay to take this post down but they have no provision to do that after it remains past 5 minutes. This entire thread is simply ridiculous at this point.


Don't bother with more attacks on us. Good luck selling all of your used Avon bottles, plates and other items.  One last thing:  Google this subject. We did and got an enormous amount of sellers who echoed what our CEO said here. eBay is a hostile environment for sellers. That's quite clear with what took place today and most of your replies.  Merry Christmas!  Next time be kind and considerate and don't imagine everyone who posts here needs your advice. We do not. 


I am an ASE CERTIFIED MASTER TECH who has helped 8 million customers use this part to repair their truck. 

Message 22 of 23
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Obvious feedback violations-eBay won't remove it.

This topic is now closed at the request of the OP. Thanks for understanding.

Message 23 of 23
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