11-23-2021 12:06 PM
Has anyone else been experiencing slow sales in November 2021? The first 2 weeks were pretty good but since the 17th, my sales have dropped to a constant 0. I barely sell around $20-$30 worth of goods everyday, and I have been getting faulty returns to make things worse. Buyers simply open a SNAD request to get the seller to pay for return shipping & Ebay customer service is of no help even if you tell them that buyers sent you a used item, altered item etc. They never help out these days. I am relying on ebay to make ends meet & I have tried everything. Even been listing new items everyday. I have checked my impressions & traffic & it all looks good but it seems that there are no buyers? Can someone please help me out here? Even today I have 0 sales. Thank you
11-28-2021 02:30 AM
My sales started going down on October 12th with the new categories and item specifics. Searches started coming back with completely non related items, causing buyer to have to sift through nothing that they really wanted. I sell antique and vintage paper dolls/toys and I usually can't keep up with the orders this time of the year. Something went horribly wrong with the Fall Update and I won't see an uptick in sales for MONTHS, if at all. This was NOT a good time of year to make these changes and the Spring Update would have made a LOT more sense, if they had to do this at all.
11-28-2021 06:53 PM
You are not the only one; I have a wide range in products and something is going on. I have never seen it like this and not during the holiday season. My Sellers Hub as on today is telling me my sales are up by 112% and last week it stated 27% I'm confused since there hasn't been any sales since November 8th. Only profits is paying for the costs on being on eBay, its a joke. I'm running promotes, sales & nothing is happening. I placed photo's to give you a perspective what I sell & that presentation is half the sale, yet nothing is happening. And; I'm a Top Rated Seller with a 100% Rating by earning it with great customer service. This issue all started when eBay change there listing formats that was required, I had to fix over 200 listings. I put more in detail then most do on eBay. This was all BULL! It wasted my time. When sales vanish after eBay implements updated listing protocols, I know it has affected searches by poor eBay computer aguryms. I can just smell something is wrong. But good luck in your sales... Let me know if you find anything. presentation is half the sale
presentation is half the sale
presentation is half the sale
presentation is half the sale
presentation is half the sale
presentation is half the sale
presentation is half the sale
presentation is half the sale
12-01-2021 02:45 PM
Absolutely right! I keep track of my sales month by month as well as year by year. Ebay is in a steady decline and this holiday season is the worst by far. I also noticed that ebay is not advertising on television at all this year. Not sure what is going on but the slumping sales are going to drive sellers away fast!
12-01-2021 02:55 PM
@online.target I do a 2 year look back per month ... so I compare Nov 2021 with Nov 2020 and Nov 2019
Nov 2021 is DOWN 11.4% FROM Nov 2020
Nov 2021 is DOWN 48.7% FROM Nov 2019
12:23 PM
- last edited on
08:26 AM
Hi. Yes my sales have dropped off a cliff. I did 26000 last November and this year mabe 9k. But you have to remember. People actually missed shopping in the flesh. Also all credit cards were maxed out while people out of work and thought they were gonna die. Because they beleive the media and the sheep still trust gov. Also remember there is no free 1400 or was it 1200 dollar check for the majority of Americans prior to holiday season. ...so in other words the grapes are now dry raisins. Expect this to get alot worse. Also ebay is a scamming company with their computer algorithms.....they helped their corporate customers and dont care about the little guy...or girl
12-02-2021 12:28 PM
They did not screw up search.......it was intentionally done to favor corporations listing here on Ebay. As usual the little guy gets decimated. Is it really a suprise??been going on since the brink of humanity. Let's just hope the elites stopped inbreeding
12-02-2021 12:56 PM
Not me. I had my best month ever and I have no idea why. I don’t think I’m doing anything that y’all aren’t also doing. I am pretty eclectic in what I offer, so if Levis aren’t selling then maybe English Bone China is selling. My prices are also all over the map from 9.99 to 150.00. I’m not bragging, just adding my 2 cents worth. November wasn’t bad for everyone.
12-02-2021 03:03 PM
My November sales were just fine. They were down from November 2020, but that isn't a good metric to judge by because my 2020 sales were my best ever. When compared to previous years, they were solidly average-- had a slight mid-month slump but things picked up again at the end there.
12-02-2021 03:17 PM
Me too. Even my listing views are down 90%. This will be the worst year in 10 years for me. Use to sell 6,000-7,000 a month and now im at about 700-800$ month now if that after fees. Time to move on
12-02-2021 04:33 PM
Same here and I've been doing this since the beginning of eBay. I have far more items on, over 5000, and I'm selling like it's summer. Also add new items every day. And I use priority mail paying for part of that charge. Very odd!
12-04-2021 10:46 PM
I seem to be in the same boat. Sales have been down since right around November 17th. They were good up until then, but it seems like my listings were turned off after that and very few views. The only thing I can think that may be happening is the ones that are paying for promotions and now advanced promotions are the only ones getting views. It hasn't been this slow for a long time. Maybe one sale a day since around November 17th.
12-04-2021 11:05 PM
I too have been selling on Ebay for a long time - 19 years. I agree whole heartedly that it seems like there are times when it's like a flip of a switch and your listed items are turned off. Then when it is flipped back on - you get a rush of Buy It Nows - all within a short period of time. It just doesn't make sense that everyone stops buying at once - and then all of a sudden, they start buying at once. A lot of times, it is in the same area of the US when they start buying. Business was fairly good up until the middle of November., and then it's like the switch went off again.
12-05-2021 02:57 AM
November 2021 ended up being my highest sales month in my ebay history. I still consider myself a small time seller. This month has exceeded my highest month by $400.00. I average about $2000.00 a month and nearly doubled that in November. This year has been the best year ever and so far, I have exceeded my best year by $10,000 and I still have one month to go. Now, I say all this to say, it isn't just me. It is what I am selling and what is happening in the world right now. I am in the right place at the right time (for once in my life). Due to the pandemic and all the things going on, things have been hard to get. Automotive parts being one of them. The other thing that contributes to my sales growth is forward shipping. Once I would sell one or two things occasionally international. Now nearly all my sales are international to the forward shippers. Through the years I have adjusted and kept rolling here on ebay, while year after year people come on here and blame something other than themselves for not doing well.
12-18-2021 07:58 PM
November and December 2021 have been my all time records I have ever seen. I have sold almost double in each month than previous years! Each year has increased in sales but this year, it’s been incredible! Sometimes I have to pinch myself and wonder if it’s real. It’s wild that is it! But I also sell in a category that ebay heavily promotes because they make a lot of money off of me.
12-19-2021 07:46 PM
It's been down, but what I've noticed is listing consistently does help get more views and sales. I don't have a store but do list quite a number of items. Aside from resetting the items in bulk, anyone got more strategies?