09-15-2018 09:20 AM
No Sales, Nothing is selling, Nothing is working
I have been selling here about 18 years , this is the worst 4 months I have ever seen on ebay. I understand that they are trying to stay competitive in this market. I already know about all the tweeks and photos and blah blah blah,
I called ebay and asked them what they could do for me not only am I a seller but a buyer. Nothing Nothing Nothing.
The best I got was from a rep that said Promote your listings. I even got all the way up to an ebay superviser. Nothing
I am not sure how all this is going to pan out. I like to put my money where it makes money, Not a bottomless pit of fees. It looks as though ebay may turn in to a bottomless pit. I will give you my best advice.
1. First four words in your title make it count. Ex. Nike T Shirt Red
2. Four to six White background photos. Google likes that
3. If you got a upc fill it in. REALLY
4.Specs They are there to do the job for buyers to find your product. USE Them REALLY
5. Freeshipping. NO CHOICE
6.Accept returns, You'll have to anyway they flash the INAD and they get it anyway.
So While we are making no money we can correct our errored sites that worked for so long.
China , they will never accept free returns as it cost 17.98 to return and item to them that they sold for 0.01 , with free shipping. They just over sell us , My point if your items are in competition with 0.01 and free shipping, Change your product you can't win.
09-17-2018 07:07 AM
First four words in your title make it count. Ex. Nike T Shirt Red - op
''Nike '' may not be an incentive brand any longer ,, at least with some people . However I know it was just an example . All good points . I hope sales improve for you and everyone and they should . Holidays are coming around again . Tulips
09-17-2018 07:45 AM
@starmr25 wrote:No Sales, Nothing is selling, Nothing is working
I have been selling here about 18 years , this is the worst 4 months I have ever seen on ebay. I understand that they are trying to stay competitive in this market. I already know about all the tweeks and photos and blah blah blah,
I called ebay and asked them what they could do for me not only am I a seller but a buyer. Nothing Nothing Nothing.
The best I got was from a rep that said Promote your listings. I even got all the way up to an ebay superviser. Nothing
I am not sure how all this is going to pan out. I like to put my money where it makes money, Not a bottomless pit of fees. It looks as though ebay may turn in to a bottomless pit. I will give you my best advice.
1. First four words in your title make it count. Ex. Nike T Shirt Red
2. Four to six White background photos. Google likes that
3. If you got a upc fill it in. REALLY
4.Specs They are there to do the job for buyers to find your product. USE Them REALLY
5. Freeshipping. NO CHOICE
6.Accept returns, You'll have to anyway they flash the INAD and they get it anyway.
So While we are making no money we can correct our errored sites that worked for so long.
China , they will never accept free returns as it cost 17.98 to return and item to them that they sold for 0.01 , with free shipping. They just over sell us , My point if your items are in competition with 0.01 and free shipping, Change your product you can't win.
P.S. I just made 4 sales in the short time from my last post to this one this morning . This was after only making two sales in the entire week prior . So while sales may seem dismal theres always room for improvement . The holidays are on their way ,, so try and stay positive . Tulips
10-01-2018 08:17 PM
Greetings! I'm glad the post re "Nothing is Selling...." I literally sold nothing the month of September and only 1 item in August. Have been selling since 2007. Never have I had anything like this. I did not try to contact eBay. I'm trying some other things as well. Thanks!
10-01-2018 09:28 PM
05-18-2019 05:09 PM
I sadly closed my Ebay store after having one for many years. I don't know who is running this company but they ran it right into the ground. They can't even negotiate decent mail prices while Amazon is blowing Ebay out of the water! Pathetic!