03-24-2020 02:47 AM
I have not received any free listing promos so far this month.
I have been getting free listing promos at least twice a month
for the last several years.
I would usually receive them at beginning of the month and
near the end of the month.
Will e-bay eliminate that too?
03-24-2020 03:02 AM
Ebay just gave 50,000 free listings for March & another for April if you have a store.
03-24-2020 05:46 AM
@fern*wood wrote:Ebay just gave 50,000 free listings for March & another for April if you have a store.
In other words: If you sign up today for any store subscription at the month-to-month rate, it will come with more free insertions than you could possibly use, for the first two months.
The cost of a month-to-month store subscription at the "Starter" level is $8, and the cost of the first partial month is pro-rated for the actual number of days. So that's 100K listings for about $10.
03-24-2020 06:15 AM
imagine how many people will try to use their new free time to sell on ebay....and lose....
03-24-2020 06:22 AM
They want you to pay to open a store.
03-26-2020 01:23 PM
Agree. Haven't had one since January. This disproportionately affects the smallest of sellers. Those who cannot justify a store or even the listing cost gamble will see their inventory age out, if their listings are greater than 50 per month. I guess we are not important enough for eBay to cut us a break, too.
03-26-2020 01:29 PM
They already give you a break. Past that, it's up to you.
03-26-2020 01:36 PM
03-26-2020 01:39 PM
Basically, if it's not worth the 35c (or as little as 3c) to list it, it's probably not worth listing.
For $8 a month you can list up to 100 items, that's 8c each.
But if you can't make a profit if it cost 8c to list-- you have a hobby not a business.
03-26-2020 02:37 PM
This is the problem I see with the stores. Several people over the last few months have said that they opened a store and then......nothing. It's like they went invisible on Ebay. I'm frustrated with Ebay giving store owners 50,000 free listings yet I have been selling pretty solid for the last 7 months and I get nothing. I think its **bleep**. I don't want a store but I would like to benefit from getting some free listings for making Ebay so much money. I haven't had any free listings in over a month except for the free 50 a month.
03-26-2020 02:39 PM
03-26-2020 02:41 PM
03-26-2020 02:44 PM
Stay calm and carry on as best as can!
and look on the bright side... in 6 days you will have 50 free listings available - April's allotment will be waiting for you...
03-26-2020 04:04 PM
Doesn't help much if you are carrying unsold inventory. If a high percentage of what you list sells, fine, just pick your monthly targets. If you sell the unusual to the unusual buyer, then it can be a **bleep**-shoot.
03-26-2020 04:43 PM
I just sent them a message telling them (as a store owner) how unfair this is and begging them to give you at least a million free listings so that you don't feel cheated. If this works, please let me know when it happens so that I can practice whining and crying.