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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

I don't know what they were smoking but who thought this was an 'improvement' - We use the zip - now off screen - to tag sold ... I mean ordered stuff, so now have to go to the bottom, move bar, back up, copy zip - and as it defaults when page is reloaded, have to repeat every sale. Not a big deal, just another 'why ebay why?' moment.





We don't even understand what the up and down one on the right even does.







Message 1 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

I totally agree with you that this new format is NOT helpful to sellers at all and just requires more work. It asks for comments which I tried submitting twice the other day and on both occasions the emails were returned as rejected by Ebay to my regular email address.

Hopefully this will be changed/fixed.

Message 2 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

@steve_stuff wrote:

I don't know what they were smoking but who thought this was an 'improvement' - We use the zip - now off screen - to tag sold ... I mean ordered stuff, so now have to go to the bottom, move bar, back up, copy zip - and as it defaults when page is reloaded, have to repeat every sale.

Just as a workaround, try scaling down the browser page. For example, if using Chrome on a Windows box, you hold down the Ctrl button while rolling the mouse thumbwheel downward or backward to make the entire display smaller, thus bringing in the off-screen columns on the right.


Be sure to click the link for sending in comments on this new attempt at revising the page. Click the Comments link, leave your review, and see if your message will go through. Last week the Comments link on the revised page was pointing to an internal email alias by mistake, so comments sent there were bouncing back to the user's eBay email address. Technical Issues is the group with the discussion on that problem: 

Message 3 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page


Message 4 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

Thank you but at 10% smaller I need my glasses, the print is so small.


And "Last week the Comments link on the revised page ..." Our complaint was bounced back

Message 5 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

@steve_stuff wrote:

And "Last week the Comments link on the revised page ..." Our complaint was bounced back

Just so I'm clear on this: you sent in your comment today via the link on that revised page, and it bounced back due to not being on the Allowed Senders list? (I posted the error message I got in the Technical Issues thread that I linked above.)

Message 6 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

Sent comment twice, first on 8/25 and it got bounce back [undeliverable] on 8/28 - so today's comment has another three days to come back.

Message 7 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

@steve_stuff   Here's another thread from 4 days ago, where I got kyle@ebay  devon@ebay involved b/c the 'Comments'  link to tell them they broke it, also 'works' but then bounces back to you.


Kyle, can you please let this team know that others are complaining too about how they broke the screen?  And the Comments link is still not fixed.  I realize there are workarounds, but they are CLUMSY & not useful.  I have a feeling this team still doesn't know that they broke the screen.  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 8 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

I just tried submitting Comments for the third time and it has been returned as undeliverable to my regular email address even though the comments are submitted on the Ebay order form.

Really ridiculous!!

Message 9 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

I'm confused... where are you seeing this? There aren't any sliders on my order page in Seller Hub.

Message 10 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

The photo is of the seller's hub order page - if you're not seeing it that way be happy

Message 11 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

If you are using Chrome, (Not sure how it works in other browsers) 

Click on the three dots on the top right

Make the page smaller until it all fits.  

It should stay that way for just that page. 

Worked for me

Just my Two Cents...
Thank you for being here!
Message 12 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:

@steve_stuff   Here's another thread from 4 days ago, where I got kyle@ebay  devon@ebay involved b/c the 'Comments'  link to tell them they broke it, also 'works' but then bounces back to you.


Kyle, can you please let this team know that others are complaining too about how they broke the screen?  And the Comments link is still not fixed.  I realize there are workarounds, but they are CLUMSY & not useful.  I have a feeling this team still doesn't know that they broke the screen.  

Hey @simply-the-best-for-you thanks for the tag.  I'll be glad to pass this along to the appropriate team!

Message 13 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

That worked and I reloaded and it stuck ... took a bit till I figured out by the 'top right' you meant the browner page top right, next to the 'you' icon [on foxfire/firefox it's three lines instead of dots.]


But for my eyes the print is 'need my fancy reading glasses' small. And because my left eye is completely screwed up - I have monocular diplopia AKA double vision in that eye, I need three different glasses - driving, reading and one for just walking around, to keep it from seeing things at an angle


Put your hands in front of your face with the finger tips facing each other, then raise the left till it's pointing at between one and two o'clock, and that's what I see if I don't concentrate or are tired.


So I have to remove the walking ones, sit with my eyes closed for 2, 3 minutes to 'reset', then I'm 'blind' for another 2, 3 minutes till the eye compensates and refocus. Then when I take them off another 2, 3 minutes sitting with my eyes closed to reset, and another reset when I put on the walking ones back on.


So I'm back to sliding it back and forth.

Message 14 of 17
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New un-improvement - Slide bars on order page

And just noticed that all the hub pages are shown at 90%, not just the sold ... I mean ordered page, so it's back to 100%.

Thanks anyway as your workaround worked but just not for me.

Message 15 of 17
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