New Aid Package from Congress is Near Useless for Ebay Self-Employed?
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‎03-22-2020 09:25 AM - edited ‎03-22-2020 09:26 AM
I know a lot of people on eBay sell part-time or just for a side hustle and don't depend on it for serious money, but I do. I'm a full-time caregiver for an elderly parent who is too frail to be left on her own and my only way of making money has been to source items at thrift stores to sell online. I get an hour here or there to leave the house, no more. I haven't been selling long on Ebay but I've been selling clothing for a couple of years now on another site, which shall remain unnamed. This is my sole income.
Now, during the Coronovirus lockdowns (which may go on for 10-12 weeks) all thrift stores in my area have closed. I've already listed everything I have to list and my sales are slowing down as a consequence. We literally live sale to sale. If I make a sale, I get to go buy something we need at the store. I scrimp and save little bits to add up for utilities.
I was hoping that the aid package Congress is working on would be some help, but from what I'm reading, there's nothing in it for the self-employed, especially those surviving at the low end. If I'm lucky, I might qualify for the $1000 direct payment, but how do they expect that to last people for up to 3 months?
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‎03-22-2020 01:39 PM - edited ‎03-22-2020 01:41 PM
Economically, the best thing is to get a check into EVERYONE'S hands as fast as possible.
Politically, republicans want to give it to corporations (last time they did, those corporations gave themselves bonuses and stock buybacks rather than "investment), while Democrats want to give it to people.
Call your representatives! If they are a Democrat, urge them to get checks out to everyone ASAP. If they are republican, tell them that if they give in to their corporate welfare fantasies, this economic decline will worsen, society may fall further into the abyss, and if they do that and there are elections ever again in this country, you and everyone you know will vote to replace them with someone with an ounce of sense.
Seriously though, contact your members of Congress and urge them to act fast and get help to the people where it belongs because that is how economic activity continues...not corporate welfare, where it goes to bonuses and stock buybacks that stimulate nothing but executive egos and already flush retirement plans.
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‎03-22-2020 01:47 PM
Depending on what state your in you may qualify to be paid as a care giver for the person you are taking care of.
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‎03-22-2020 02:28 PM
@mcdougle4248 wrote:Have you checked with your Economic Development Department? You might be able to get a lead from them to apply for a business grant or no interest loan.
I hadn't. I really didn't think it would apply to online sellers. But thank you for the suggestion. I'll search them out online.
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‎03-22-2020 02:31 PM
@nickelsanddimes2015 wrote:Depending on what state your in you may qualify to be paid as a care giver for the person you are taking care of.
Unfortunately, I checked that out years ago. I called a couple of years ago to find out if our state had that program. It does, but there was an over 10-year waiting list. I love my mom, but she'll be 87 next month. I hope she lives a long time, but it didn't really sound feasible in our case.
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‎03-22-2020 02:34 PM
I wrote to mine yesterday. What I have on my mind is blocking the wealthy or corporations from stock buy-back, and also doing what it takes to expand absentee ballots or voting by mail. The next election is critical. If we are still on lockdown we need alternative ways to vote. I was reassured by stories in today's paper that this issue is being worked on.
New Aid Package from Congress is Near Useless for Ebay Self-Employed?
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‎03-22-2020 02:37 PM - edited ‎03-22-2020 02:40 PM
@mam98031 wrote:Are you aware that you need to claim your income no matter if a 1099 is issued or not.
A schedule C is a supporting document to your IRS form 1040. You don't just file a schedule C by itself.
Yup. I know. I'm doing my taxes right now. I have income from my own author promo online biz (which I closed down on 12.31.19 because I did the math and realized I was making just $4.54 per hour after expenses and time invested.) Also income from PM, Ets, AZ, and several stock photo agencies. Several are just dribbles of income, but I'm including them all. The reason I thought Schedule C in terms of proof of income for the stimulus was because it was a form, that's all. I wasn't thinking about it being a supporting document only. My bad.
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‎03-22-2020 02:41 PM
@keziak wrote:I wrote to mine yesterday. What I have on my mind is blocking the wealthy or corporations from stock buy-back, and also doing what it takes to expand absentee ballots or voting by mail. The next election is critical. If we are still on lockdown we need alternative ways to vote. I was reassured by stories in today's paper that this issue is being worked on.
I don't recall where I read it (I've read so much lately) but I think it was Jim Cramer who said that any corp that gets any kind of 'bailout' of federal funds should be prohibited from doing any stock buybacks ever. Apparently that was mostly what happened to the last bailouts. The corps just used the funds to do stock buybacks and shore up their stock.
New Aid Package from Congress is Near Useless for Ebay Self-Employed?
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‎03-22-2020 02:43 PM
New Aid Package from Congress is Near Useless for Ebay Self-Employed?
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‎03-22-2020 02:43 PM
@home2thesea wrote: ... . I called a couple of years ago to find out if our state had that program. It does, but there was an over 10-year waiting list. I love my mom, but she'll be 87 next month....
You should at least check to see whether the policy or waiting list situation have changed. Maybe there's an online resource you can use.
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‎03-22-2020 02:45 PM
@oaklandmaryland wrote: .... Ebay sellers should report their income to the IRS and would be able to reduce the taxable amount by claiming shipping and fees paid.
You can also deduct the original cost of the item.
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‎03-22-2020 02:46 PM
@oaklandmaryland wrote:
Actually the latest update is that everyone who filed an income tax form in 2018 will receive a payment. Ebay sellers should report their income to the IRS and would be able to reduce the taxable amount by claiming shipping and fees paid.
You mean they took away the threshold limit? So anyone from any income bracket will get it? That doesn't sound right!
There are many more expenses/ deductins for selling on any internet site beyond shipping fees.
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‎03-22-2020 03:19 PM
New Aid Package from Congress is Near Useless for Ebay Self-Employed?
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‎03-22-2020 03:49 PM
Other than whatever stimulus goes to everyone (or everyone earning less than a certain amount), I don't see most eBay sellers qualifying for anything else.
If you employ people, that might be a different story. Frankly, I would like to see much of the stimulus directed towards companies that have been severely impacted or even shut down completely as a result of the pandemic, so they can keep people on the payroll, with benefits intact.
That keeps people from going on unemployment, losing homes, etc. Plus, once the crisis ends, companies still have their workforce intact which will speed economic recovery IMO. (Typically, once a company lays off workers, they are hesitant to start large scale hiring again for a period of time.)
My wife is laid off due to the coronavirus and my eBay sales are down. But I still have my day job and getting a check from the government will do nothing to help the economy. We're talking about 2 trillion dollars in stimulus spending, that's a lot of debt we'll be passing on to our children and grandchildren. (Unfortunately, we've been racking up increased debt courtesy of "tax reform" when the economy was growing. We should have been reducing debt in preparation for times like these.)
I've heard of some companies offering relief like not charging for rent, etc., to help those impacted by the pandemic. I think more of that will be needed.
Whatever stimulus money is doled out, I certainly hope it goes to those who truly need it. Others (like myself), who aren't severely impacted, will just have to tighten their belts a bit.
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‎03-22-2020 04:08 PM
It could keep Bro from being homeless in 6 months (not that he would be cause I got a couch but ya know what I mean).
It'll keep the lights on at our house if my other brother and some of my older children qualify for it (they pay rent so I can keep the lights on and everybody fed) While hubby has a job, once health insurance is taken out (thank you Obama) he brings home under 1K a month, and for a 'core' family of 4 (2 adults and 1 under 18, and 1 unemployed daughter (my caregiver)) that's not enough to buy food, lights, internet, car insurance, ect. So I'm running a "rooming house" and every one with a bedroom pays rent even brother living in the basement.
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‎03-22-2020 04:16 PM
$1000 would help me pay the IRS what I owe this year, but won't make it here in the next 3 weeks, so will get by without.
Agree, hope it gets to those that need it.