10-27-2024 10:55 AM
Greetings Ebay & Fellow Sellers, Customer stated item was smaller than expected.
The Measurment s of items was detailed in the description box of the listing. Will this review show negatively on the store? Best regards, -InYourBox
10-27-2024 11:01 AM
No it wont. It wont count against the store.
I would suggest putting a ruler or something that most people know the size of, like a pop can, in at least 1 photo.
Most buyers dont read the description and people are really good now about blaming others for the lack of knowledge.
But then if they didnt read, whos to say they looked at all the photos?
10-27-2024 11:05 AM
As you can already see, a neutral does not affect your % positive, so there is that. People may click on your neutral to see what the comment was, but in my opinion that one is totally harmless. They're not saying you did anything wrong as a seller, just that THEY anticipated a larger item. In other words, this was a 'they' problem, and anyone with a brain will know that. If you want to be absolutely sure that nobody will mistake the comment as evidence of false advertising, you could reply to the comment, a POLITE AND FACTUAL statement, like the exact one you stated here: "The measurements of item were detailed in the description." I think I would probably do that, but some would say just leave it, and I think that would be fine too.
10-27-2024 11:18 AM
I had some guy who left me a neut for a shirt that didn't fit, stating I should have listed dimensions. I had...in two spots. Usually I don't reply to neuts, but I didn't want people to think I was a lazy seller, so I did respond that I had included measurements but nothing more.
You're going to come across this sort of thing dealing with the public.
10-27-2024 11:47 AM
More and more, buyers tend to buy from photos and do not read descriptions. Your title called this a "Box Metal Password Lock Box". Normally a lock box is larger than the one you listed so if your buyer did not read the description, I can see how they might expect something larger.
Your item is actually a coin bank. A better title would have been something like "Metal Combination Safe Coin Bank 5"x5"x4" (I don't even know what the word "password" refers to in your title.)
10-27-2024 12:07 PM
I also noticed on your listings you have "no returns" and in the descriptions you say items are being sold "as is".
You need to acquaint yourself with eBay's Money Back Guarantee. You can say no returns but that does not mean no refunds. "As Is" is meaningless. If there are flaws or damage or anything else the buyer needs to be aware of, this needs to be mentioned.
Even though you say no returns, if a buyer files a "Not as Described" Claim, you will need to issue the buyer a return label and upon return of the item, issue them a refund. Or, if you don't want the item back, you can just issue a refund. If you ignore such a claim and eBay has to step in, they will give the buyer a refund and let them keep the item and give you a defect.
10-31-2024 11:32 AM
Thank you,
Very good to know.