09-12-2018 10:29 AM
Received notification today from Paypal that an unauthorized transaction case has been filed for purchase made on July 24. Paypal's email states that their records show tracking info is available for this transaction and they will review this as soon as possible. I do have screenshot of tracking history which shows delivery.
Question is whether I should take any pro-active action or sit back and wait for something from Paypal?
09-12-2018 10:33 AM
If it was me, I would RESEND your documentation to PP to rattle their chain that you are in the clear.
09-12-2018 10:39 AM
Whenever i've had this i screenshot the delivery confirmation with the tracking number showing the delivery address, upload it to the case then call Paypal and have it closed in your favor, if you don't call they will tell you it will take any amount of days with the money on hold, not so, you are covered by seller protection by shipping to the confirmed address with delivery confirmation, know the seller protection policy and quote them if they try to stall you, refund them with your money not mine i'm protected.
09-12-2018 11:16 AM
09-12-2018 11:37 AM
@wonderdogdawn wrote:
Question is whether I should take any pro-active action or sit back and wait for something from Paypal?
No, no, no! You *must* be pro-active on this if you hope to have it resolved in your favor.
Just to cover all the bases...
a) Did you not add the Tracking # to the transaction on eBay when you shipped? If not, do it now.
b) I am assuming your buyer *didn't* open an INR via eBay? If they did, you need to respond to that request as well as soon as possible by uploading the Tracking # *to the return/case* - not simply by making sure the Tracking # is logged into the eBay transaction record.
c) Upload another copy of Tracking History to the PayPal website -- into the "Case" that's been opened and/or provide the actual Tracking #.
d) Wait a few minutes, then call PayPal and have them review the Tracking # proof you sent them. They should close the case in your favor once they can see/affirm that indeed the item was shipped and delivered to the address provided by PayPal/eBay while you're on the phone. In fact, stay on the phone until they do.
If you have any problems, come back here and others will try and help you with any further issues/complications. Good luck!
09-12-2018 01:00 PM
Reply to the Paypal case with the tracking number. Copy and paste the tracking info into the reply box and submit.
You can wait for Paypal to close it, or you can call and have Paypal close it out in your favor. I've never called, I've just waited for Paypal. I've never had an unauthorized chargeback take more than a few days for Paypal to close it in my favor.
All you need to win one of these is tracking info to the buyer's address.
09-12-2018 01:21 PM
@abfabvintage wrote:
If it was me, I would RESEND your documentation to PP to rattle their chain that you are in the clear.
I also attach .pdf documentation of the original order and the shipping information from eBay.
Just bring it up on your computer, and “Print to PDF”. Of course you’ll need an actual program on your computer that allows you to do that ... I like Sumatra PDF. It’s small and fast, and does everything I need to do in a PDF Reader. I’ve uninstalled Adobe Reader, it’s bloated garbage. You’ll also need an actual computer, no mobile device capabilities here.
09-12-2018 01:28 PM
Also provide some Ebay info - show the listing and the username. There's a good chance that username and the Paypal account are related - they will be able to track it to other purchases using that account. People try this nonsense all the time and have no idea that there are hundreds of ways to prove they are full of [poo] using elecronic records and transaction info.