06-21-2021 11:56 AM
I cannot get anything to sell on eBay and I have sell worthy items! I think I'm going to get away from eBay altogether and try other avenues. Any help would be appreciated. I'm totally sick of this!
06-21-2021 12:00 PM
I'm sorry for your troubles.
But I don't think it's eBay's fault.. You have 12 items in fairly saturated categories..
You have to give it some time..
Good Luck
06-21-2021 12:03 PM
Maybe you need more variety. Many families do not even have a VCR player anymore.
06-21-2021 12:26 PM
I am in agreement with both members who have already posted
I suggest listing more items and more types of items
I like the pink swan face you have anymore vases ( it is summer )
books and movies are both saturated areas
Your prices are reasonable
Other venues may be a good idea good luck to you
06-21-2021 12:26 PM
Hi. Don't get discouraged. It will work out. I think you may need to add a few key words in your listings. Use all characters available. For your books, list the word book in the title. Hardback? Cover? 1st Edition? You know what I mean. Tapes, put the word tape. Try to expand on the listing. Let me suggest you change your policy to accepting returns. Here's why. If there's any reason a buyer wants to return an item, they will say it's not as advertised, broken, etc. They will ALWAYS get to return if they say so. So, since you have to accept returns anyway, show that you do. Another thing this does. A buyer can't leave negative feedback when you accept returns and refund upon receipt. If they do, Ebay will remove it because you make them whole. It's a game changer.
06-21-2021 12:34 PM
Mostly supersaturated items, not very many of them and summer season. Books are tough because of the huge booksellers who can blow out mass market publications for pennies on the dollar. I find they sell best if they're lotted up by author. I've sold VHS but they're generally rare and those titles are very common - don't know if the special edition will make them attractive to Disney collectors or not.
06-21-2021 12:40 PM
Perhaps you can get some ideas on keyword choices or other listing factors by searching for SOLD items same as yours (like did they include different or extra keywords, perhaps used different category, maybe BIN vs auction). I think some people really don't want to bother with Auction format for things where there is little price variation
06-21-2021 12:51 PM - edited 06-21-2021 12:51 PM
@hi_406979 wrote:I cannot get anything to sell on eBay and I have sell worthy items!
There are 145 copies of the Disney Alladin VHS tape on eBay right now. 4 have sold in the past 90 days (and two of those are dubious sales).
There are 95 copies of Stephen Coonts "Assasin" on eBay right now. 2 have sold in the past 90 days.
Those were the first two items I saw in your items for sale.
06-21-2021 12:54 PM
As the others said, you do not have a huge variety of items. What you do have listed is either very competitive (books) or very not in demand (VHS). Your prices are also much too high for what you are offering. A good example is the Beauty and the Beast Black Diamond VHS. You are misrepresenting the condition (it is not "Very Good" with it markered "Duncan" across the front!). Furthermore, the sponsored sellers on that page have it much cheaper ($7.50+free shipping), so ask yourself why anyone would pay you $24.00? Ditto "The Judas Judge" who has a seller doing $4.89+free shipping to your $6.49+2.89 shipping. (This is the market @chapeau-noir mentions...)
While ebay is definitely dead right now (2 weeks, no sales for me), you definitely aren't doing anything to help yourself in your listings or your prices to move anything.
06-21-2021 01:00 PM
@chapeau-noir wrote:Books are tough because of the huge booksellers who can blow out mass market publications for pennies on the dollar.
Not to mention that around here at least, all of the thrift stores have literal tubs and tubs full of books for 25 cents each. You really can't compete with that.
06-21-2021 01:03 PM - edited 06-21-2021 01:05 PM
@yuzuha wrote:Not to mention that around here at least, all of the thrift stores have literal tubs and tubs full of books for 25 cents each. You really can't compete with that.
The competitive advantage of ebay is at least people don't have to sift through all of that in hopes of finding a specific title (and you're doing good to find them for that, the price is closer to 50c-$1 here).
06-21-2021 01:06 PM
I understand your fustration with a lack of sales. I recently imported all of my items to another selling site that is pretty popular. For the past five days, I have had zero sales on this new venue. I get two weeks free so I will see what happens. I am not very hopeful. Best of luck!
06-21-2021 01:25 PM
You have a couple items listed twice, one as auction and one as a fixed price.
Do you have two copies of them?
06-21-2021 01:39 PM
welcome to the club. I had about 10 things listed priced to sell, one sold, relisted, suddenly one with no watchers has three and a bid within 24 hours. Makes no sense. eBay search is beyond messed up, unless you search for a specific item by name you can't find anything.
Ignore what the cheerleaders say, it's not you, it's not your listings, it's not the weather, it's not the end of the pandemic.
06-21-2021 01:42 PM
Old VHS tapes barely even sell at the flea market here, I will grant that. Nobody wants that stuff. The only time a VHS has value is when it offers something you can't get, for instance some TV shows were released on VHS intact, but by the time they made DVDs rights to music had expired and the production companies cheaped out and didn't renew, replacing it with other music.
Of course, some of the VHS that probably would sell I wouldn't be shocked to find out you can't sell here, like say a tape of Disney's Song of the South....