05-16-2021 01:16 PM
I have been selling for over 20 years and what started out as easy to sell is becoming a daily nightmare. I don't seem to have a problem and neither do my buyers, but ebay is constantly adding problems where none exist. I list an item with every detail I can think of and still ebay says there are things to add to my listings, INCLUDING ONES THAT ARE ALREADY THERE! Now there are messages that say "SOON TO BE REQUIRED ITEM SPECIFICS"!!! I am getting really disgusted and it is taking all of the enjoyment out of selling for me. My advise to ebay is, if you don't want to lose Sellers on your site, mind your own business and let the Sellers do their thing, unless they ask for it! DON'T FIX WHAT ISN'T BROKEN.
05-17-2021 06:19 AM
I think they did this for all the lazy sellers who put NOTHING or close to nothing in their item specifics and buyers are just turned off and will not buy something without an adequate description and specifics. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to contact someone here becuase their listing is totally inadequate.
05-17-2021 06:21 AM
Well of course. You cannot find it if there is no adequate description and specifics. And they wont buy it if they are not told exactly what they are buying.
05-17-2021 06:22 AM - edited 05-17-2021 06:25 AM
That can't be true. It's not like there are a limited number of seller slots. More sellers = more items for sale = more sales = more eBay revenue.
So, it's worse than you think. They believe they are improving the "experience".
05-17-2021 07:10 AM
It's beyond annoying. I sell a lot of baseball gloves, and now I have to go through them and re add all specifics since apparently they are the same thing as snow gloves and dress gloves that require all the same details.
Every desk clock I list needs to have a "Character", every single night light/lamp needs to know what LED String/Strip type it is and for some reason i can't fathom, it wants to know the "Number of blades" on my lamps....
This is so beyond ridiculous that it makes me want to just pull all of my listings and sell elsewhere. I know as soon as I finish fixing all these listings, my specifics will just get wiped out again. eBay needs to quit changing things just for the sake of people trying to justify their jobs.
05-17-2021 11:09 AM
Ebay has all the book titles. They buy the data. This is about ebay getting sellers to feed data to ebay for free because they do not want to spend the money or the time. Most of the new data specifics they already have. We are building some sort of data base for ebay at our expense instead of theirs. We are NOT participating.
05-17-2021 11:25 AM
I have started listing my items on other sites as a result of this combined with other things going on with this place. I see no reason to be loyal or committed to selling on eBay when they really do nothing for me but make problems where none exist. Also seller protection is non-existent. I do pre-sales for comics and if a customer all of a sudden gets buyers remorse they can just file an item not received claim for an item that hasn't even released yet and eBay pays no attention to the 30 day handling time and expected delivery date in your listing. Your only option is to approve a refund and be stuck with a product you ordered specifically for this person or upload tracking that doesn't exist because the product hasn't been released yet. Buyers should not be allowed to file item not received claims if it is not past the expected delivery date in your listing and it's absolutely absurd that they can. Out $80 AND the item on one case because I shipped the item once I got it and they ruled against me because I couldn't upload tracking within their timeframe. Appeal you say? No go. No one can do anything for me. The customer got their item and got their money and I got the shaft. So after someone did this again yesterday I didn't bother fighting it, I just refunded. Just another reason I am moving product to other websites. eBay has become a garbage place to be a seller.
05-17-2021 11:27 AM
I'm glad I don't sell on eBay anymore, aside from an occasional random item. I was a power-seller at one time. But now I can't even shop here as they have made it so incredibly difficult to find items what with the elimination of sub-categories. Like, if I want to look for Silver Age Batman comics, I can't narrow my search down to just that - I have to look at ALL eras of Batman comics. This is probably the stupidest thing eBay has ever done in the 21 years I've been either buying or selling on the site. Someone should literally be fired for this.
05-17-2021 12:26 PM - edited 05-17-2021 12:27 PM
@kosmosattik wrote:That can't be true. It's not like there are a limited number of seller slots. More sellers = more items for sale = more sales = more eBay revenue.
So, it's worse than you think. They believe they are improving the "experience".
More sellers does nothing without more buyers, though, and eBay is always struggling to find more buyers.
ETA: A lot of us went through this with clothing item specifics and it was a complete mess - I don't think donig stuff like this helps buyers.
05-17-2021 01:35 PM
Yeah, I pulled all my listings for another reason but this recategorization / excruciating details mess is an even better one. I generally don't have more than 30 listings at a time--pity the poor b*stards with 100s or 1000s.
I'll wait at least a couple weeks--or will it be months--to relist as eBay's customers (that's us, in case they forgot) work their way through unpaid beta testing.
05-17-2021 01:45 PM
Ebays motto: "If it ain't broke.... Give us a minute."
05-17-2021 01:57 PM
I have filled out the tell us what you think survey every time I have to add item specifics. What I think is this stinks!
05-17-2021 02:12 PM
Like, if I want to look for Silver Age Batman comics, I can't narrow my search down to just that - I have to look at ALL eras of Batman comics.
Search using keywords batman comics, select "Silver Age" Era filter:
05-17-2021 04:48 PM
No I don't think that is why. I also list every detail I have and now I have to add them again. They are changing the categories. I had an ornament listed under Christmas and it was a baseball team ornament. They changed the category to baseball cards. Now ebay can change the category and information on accounts no matter what you listed.
05-22-2021 01:19 PM - edited 05-22-2021 01:21 PM
I think buyers should...Specifically look at the picture!
05-22-2021 01:23 PM
119 days till retirement for me😎