09-10-2022 05:34 PM
Normally I create my listings in SSB Templates then just copy paste into Ebay listing description. Nope not tonight it just won't let me enter the listing in anything but gibberish format. Must be a new step I am missing but sure can't figure it out. Help I have been using outside Templates for years no issue now new listing format only option is Ebay's button to create new template of their choice. Are they no longer letting us use outside templates? Help Please
09-10-2022 06:46 PM
Sorry I can't answer that but would also like to know. The reason is today for the first time I've been forced to use the new selling page and this time no take me back option. I hate it and want to use a 3rd party service, it would be great to know which one has not been forced to give up templates etc. Not being able to schedule on the new plan seems rotten too.
09-10-2022 06:54 PM
Can you explain to the uneducated among us what "SSB" is?
09-10-2022 06:57 PM
I use SSB which are 3rd party templates I have used for 15 years now tonight Ebay won't take them. SSB also allows me to save listings season to season and not rewrite them all the time. I have written to SSB tonight also perhaps they can help they are usually good. Everyone is scrambling for sure Ebay has to realize if we can't list items they can't collect fees. If I get any answers from SSB I will post. Let's hope someone on Ebay will also jump in with info on using our 3rd party templates. I wanted to get my Sunday listings done tonight and schedule them to go on tomorrow nite. NOPE not 1 listing done tonight. 3 hours of trying to figure how to use my SSB sellersourcebook templates is enuf for me tonight.
09-10-2022 07:01 PM
it's sellersourcebook a 3rd party template source you can use to gussy your items up. I have used them for over 15 years no issue copy paste then over to slap on ebay. Tonight Ebay is not letting any templates on. I am starting to read Ebay is trying to force sellers into mobile or phone listings instead of our pc or laptops so this could be part of the issue. Who the heck knows whenever they do an update it's a week or more guessing game.