10-05-2023 09:01 AM
Apparently, an English word that has been in use since the year 1531 that means "not interfered with" is now unacceptable on this forum.
Or maybe, you don't like what I have to say and that was the very best you could come up with to "interfere with" my statement. Really reaching there. And pathetic.
Just like (5 x 4) + 12 - (90/3) is easier said as "2", there is a single word that means "not tampered with". This word is not vulgar.
10-05-2023 11:43 AM
@wastingtime101 wrote:
I looked it up to see what you're talking about. I don't think that should be censored, especially given the context you described, but I've seen stranger words get the bleep treatment around here.
I referred to "freight forwarders" one time but instead of the singular FF, I did it in plural and with the "s," it was bleeped - for goodness sake!
10-05-2023 11:48 AM
GOT IT! U-N-M-O-L-E-S-T-E-D first used in 1531.
10-05-2023 11:49 AM
I'll be waiting quietly for my suspension now.
10-05-2023 11:52 AM
Exactly. Can we all agree that no normal, English-speaking person would expect to find this word on any list of words generally accepted to offensive?
10-05-2023 11:59 AM
@the-hook-and-the-loop wrote:GOT IT! U-N-M-O-L-E-S-T-E-D first used in 1531.
That word went through normally in my previous post. 🤔
10-05-2023 12:01 PM
Because you aren't on double-secret probation!